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Sleepy's Californian Flash Deals (CA02 + YTONG NESTS AVAILABLE)

104 replies to this topic

#21 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted June 17 2021 - 3:15 PM


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Yoimiya is pretty hot though, you better be using the sales of this shop for her thighs.


klee has been achieved, now I'm just building pity and skipping kazuha, yoimiya better come home

Edited by SleepyAsianAnter, June 17 2021 - 3:15 PM.

#22 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted June 20 2021 - 1:24 PM


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Bumpty Bumpty

#23 Offline Onjray - Posted June 22 2021 - 9:36 AM



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What would your ancestors think of this, sleepy?

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#24 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted June 22 2021 - 10:33 AM


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What would your ancestors think of this, sleepy?


I'm sure my ancestors have been disappointed in me for a while, no use pleasing dead people

  • Onjray, Antkeeper01 and Chickalo like this

#25 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted June 24 2021 - 12:00 PM


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#26 Offline AlexLebedev - Posted June 26 2021 - 8:06 PM


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Yes I spend money on videogames


No I won't put it towards college


No I'm not investing in stocks


Yes I'm a victim of the gacha system


No I'm not going to go outside


Yes I recognize I have a problem




Welcome to SleepyAsianAnter's genshin flash deal page. If you don't know what genshin is... good for you. 

On this page you can take advantage of my addiction and use it to your benefit.


I will post flash deals on here, with the same ants and nests as my main sales page (here), except you'll be getting more ant for your buck.


However, there is a catch. Payments are in increments of 50 (50, 100, 150, etc) + shipping, the main payment will be sent in the form of a google play card, which you can purchase on amazon as a "gift" sent directly to my email. When that email is cleared, you will send shipping money to me through paypal friends and family


DOA policy and other rules are the same as my old sales page


CALIFORNIA ONLY unless you have a permit




1. 1-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-10 workers) + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube



1. 2(1-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-10 workers)) + Camponotus quercicola queen in test tube + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube

2. 2-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-15 workers) + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube



1. 2(2-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-15 workers)) 



1. My heartfelt gratitude



1. My hand in marriage 

i would marry you but i only have 9,999.99$ 1c discount?

  • Antkeeper01 likes this

What i am keeping Brachymyrmex patagonicus 1 worker x5 tetramorium immigrans 10 workers x2 lasius crypticus 5 workers Pheidole californica 6 queens150~ workers 10-30 majors, Formica argentea 10~ W



What I've kept crematogaster sp pheidole californica camponotus vicinus high elev, dumetorum,laevigatus, prenolepis imparis, pogonomyrmex californicus and subnitidus and californicus, veromessor andrei, camponotus sayi, hypoponera opacior ,Liometopum occidentale solnopsis molesta group, solenopsis xyloni.

#27 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted June 27 2021 - 3:06 PM


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Yes I spend money on videogames


No I won't put it towards college


No I'm not investing in stocks


Yes I'm a victim of the gacha system


No I'm not going to go outside


Yes I recognize I have a problem




Welcome to SleepyAsianAnter's genshin flash deal page. If you don't know what genshin is... good for you. 

On this page you can take advantage of my addiction and use it to your benefit.


I will post flash deals on here, with the same ants and nests as my main sales page (here), except you'll be getting more ant for your buck.


However, there is a catch. Payments are in increments of 50 (50, 100, 150, etc) + shipping, the main payment will be sent in the form of a google play card, which you can purchase on amazon as a "gift" sent directly to my email. When that email is cleared, you will send shipping money to me through paypal friends and family


DOA policy and other rules are the same as my old sales page


CALIFORNIA ONLY unless you have a permit




1. 1-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-10 workers) + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube



1. 2(1-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-10 workers)) + Camponotus quercicola queen in test tube + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube

2. 2-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-15 workers) + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube



1. 2(2-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-15 workers)) 



1. My heartfelt gratitude



1. My hand in marriage 

i would marry you but i only have 9,999.99$ 1c discount?



Yeah sure why not


Also bump

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#28 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted June 29 2021 - 2:23 PM


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Flash deal, free 3-queened true-poly P. subnitidus with next purchase of $100 or more

#29 Offline Ftorres - Posted June 29 2021 - 3:25 PM


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Lusting on video game characters???
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#30 Offline MrPurpleB - Posted June 29 2021 - 3:28 PM


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Lusting on video game characters???

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#31 Offline ZTYguy - Posted June 29 2021 - 3:31 PM


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Currently: Considering moving to Australia
Reason: Myrmecia

#32 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted June 29 2021 - 9:03 PM


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Lusting on video game characters???



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#33 Offline strawnkayden1 - Posted July 3 2021 - 12:54 AM


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I’ll pay you the 10k on a very sketchy untrustworthy websitethat definitely won't steal your money.
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#34 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted July 12 2021 - 9:49 PM


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Added a 30 dollar section, listed 5-queen true poly P. Subnitdus, limited stock available


Also I uh, accidentally pulled a second klee, so I will be needing more funds for yoimiya

#35 Offline Antkeeper01 - Posted July 13 2021 - 6:29 AM


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1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers

1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)

Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.


My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube....kUjx-dPFMyVqOLw


 Join Our Fledgling Discord Server https://discord.com/...089056687423489

#36 Offline AlexLebedev - Posted July 25 2021 - 2:39 PM


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Yes I spend money on videogames


No I won't put it towards college


No I'm not investing in stocks


Yes I'm a victim of the gacha system


No I'm not going to go outside


Yes I recognize I have a problem




Welcome to SleepyAsianAnter's genshin flash deal page. If you don't know what genshin is... good for you. 

On this page you can take advantage of my addiction and use it to your benefit.


I will post flash deals on here, with the same ants and nests as my main sales page (here), except you'll be getting more ant for your buck.


However, there is a catch. Payments are in increments of 50 (50, 100, 150, etc) + shipping, the main payment will be sent in the form of a google play card, which you can purchase on amazon as a "gift" sent directly to my email. When that email is cleared, you will send shipping money to me through paypal friends and family


DOA policy and other rules are the same as my old sales page


CALIFORNIA ONLY unless you have a permit


Flash deal: Next purchase that is $100 or more will receive a 3-queen true-poly Pogonomyrmex subnitidus, valued at over $20 



1. 5-queen P. Subnitidus True-poly with brood



1. 1-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-10 workers) + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube



1. 2(1-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-10 workers)) + Camponotus quercicola queen in test tube + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube

2. 2-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-15 workers) + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube



1. 2(2-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-15 workers)) 



1. My heartfelt gratitude



1. My hand in marriage 

what would you do if actualy someone bought your hand in marige?

  • Antkeeper01 likes this

What i am keeping Brachymyrmex patagonicus 1 worker x5 tetramorium immigrans 10 workers x2 lasius crypticus 5 workers Pheidole californica 6 queens150~ workers 10-30 majors, Formica argentea 10~ W



What I've kept crematogaster sp pheidole californica camponotus vicinus high elev, dumetorum,laevigatus, prenolepis imparis, pogonomyrmex californicus and subnitidus and californicus, veromessor andrei, camponotus sayi, hypoponera opacior ,Liometopum occidentale solnopsis molesta group, solenopsis xyloni.

#37 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted July 25 2021 - 2:46 PM


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Yes I spend money on videogames


No I won't put it towards college


No I'm not investing in stocks


Yes I'm a victim of the gacha system


No I'm not going to go outside


Yes I recognize I have a problem




Welcome to SleepyAsianAnter's genshin flash deal page. If you don't know what genshin is... good for you. 

On this page you can take advantage of my addiction and use it to your benefit.


I will post flash deals on here, with the same ants and nests as my main sales page (here), except you'll be getting more ant for your buck.


However, there is a catch. Payments are in increments of 50 (50, 100, 150, etc) + shipping, the main payment will be sent in the form of a google play card, which you can purchase on amazon as a "gift" sent directly to my email. When that email is cleared, you will send shipping money to me through paypal friends and family


DOA policy and other rules are the same as my old sales page


CALIFORNIA ONLY unless you have a permit


Flash deal: Next purchase that is $100 or more will receive a 3-queen true-poly Pogonomyrmex subnitidus, valued at over $20 



1. 5-queen P. Subnitidus True-poly with brood



1. 1-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-10 workers) + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube



1. 2(1-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-10 workers)) + Camponotus quercicola queen in test tube + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube

2. 2-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-15 workers) + Camponotus vicinus queen in test tube



1. 2(2-queen Camponotus CA02 colony (1-15 workers)) 



1. My heartfelt gratitude



1. My hand in marriage 

what would you do if actualy someone bought your hand in marige?



I'd give them my hand in marriage and divorce in 5 years so I can claim 50% of their assets

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#38 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted July 25 2021 - 2:55 PM


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5 queen true poly subnitidus with larvae

3 queen true poly subnitidus with pupae 

3 queen true poly subnitidus with workers (reservations)

Offer of free 3 queen true poly subnitidus with pupae for the next person to purchase over $100

#39 Offline Tyr_Ants - Posted July 25 2021 - 3:35 PM


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Discount if I give you a kiss
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Ant Shop: (restocking soon) https://www.formicul...op/#entry195574  (y)  

#40 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted July 25 2021 - 4:20 PM


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Discount if I give you a kiss

Depends on the kiss

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