I recently bought a starter kit for Messor barbarus to try my hand at antkeeping. Started with a colony of about 35 workers + queen, at the moment they live in a test tube connected to a small outworld for feeding.
But about every 2-3 days I find one dead ant when cleaning the outworld. The queen seems to be doing well though, there's brood and she seems relatively calm when I check every week. They're kept at about 20-22°C, they're in a room with AC, they have a seed suply, get a few fruit flies every week, have sugar water and honey on a cotton pad and have a supply of water in the test tube.
I've started giving them some fruit 2 days ago, but found one dead again today. I'm down to about 20 ants now. I bought everything at Ant's kingdom, event the sand for the outworld if this matters. Is this normal or does someone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?