So, I went anting locally today as the weather is humid and cloudy here. In my anting trip I went to where there is a single Pogonomyrmex californicus colony alongside the main road (there is Solenopsis amblychila along the road too). Well, I got around 40 workers and some brood from this colony. Then, nearby (about 10 feet away) I found a Pogonomyrmex californicus queen.
Well, once home. I setup the ant farm (mostly sand, with some dirt mixed in to hold it together) and put all the workers in. Now, in my journal for my Pogonomyrmex colonies...I realized sometimes I could put workers in with a queen and they'd get along right away like they already knew each other. Except, some queens were different and would have no foreign worker at all. It seems a bit random to which queen accepts workers right away or attacks them on sight.
To the point. I put the freshly mated queen in with all the worker ants. And the queen at first was a bit skittish, and now they are digging a new nest and getting along great. Not a single hint of aggression at all. The queen is even taking care of some of the brood that was in the colony. Maybe its possible this queen came from the same big colony that was nearby, which might explain it.
Last year, I saw a freshly mated queen land in the area, and make a nest near a big P. californicus colony along the river. Instead of killing the queen however, the workers in the big colony made a trail to where the new queen went and then start helping her dig a nest. Then I assume she became part of the colony.
Now its possible they aren't Pogonomyrmex californicus, but they don't have the spike thing on their thorax and looking at Drew's map it seems P. californicus would be the most likely choice.
In any case. I think its very interesting these mature Pogonomyrmex nests are helping new queens and even joining them as part of the colony. Maybe its some kind of defense against all the Argentine ants that are around them or something.Or maybe this is normal and I never knew about it.
Edited by Vendayn, June 9 2015 - 4:40 PM.