I am looking to purchase a newly founding Odontomachus brunneus (Florida Trap-Jaw Ant) queen at anytime for a fair & decent price. I would prefer to purchase a queen who has laid some eggs already, but will accept a fresh queen too.
I will also be happy to pay for the shipping as well 😀. I am a current resident in the state of Florida (Central Florida).
I look forward to seeing any responses to my inquiry regarding the purchase of a founding Odontomachus brunneus queen. Please message me to discuss your asking price or if you have any questions for me.
Thank you for your time in reading this.
*I will also consider buying a founding Odontomachus haematodus queen if brunneus is not available*
*Please note that I will not buy any queen ants from those residing outside of my state per current USDA law(s)*
Edited by LPN1982, June 2 2021 - 8:09 AM.