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Raiding bee hives, honeyguide birds, mutualism(?), and journalism

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#1 Offline OhNoNotAgain - Posted May 29 2021 - 7:22 PM


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  • LocationCalifornia Argentine Ant Territory

So today I heard about the amazing cooperation between humans and the honeyguide bird, a bird that has some kind of ancestral understanding that humans will get it bee larvae and beeswax if it leads humans to the hive. In fact humans have a special call that brings in WILD honeyguide birds to lead humans. But this one group of humans double-crosses the birds and doesn't reward them. And Western reporters don't quite accurately portray this. This article covers a lot of ground. And P.S. this is probably why African honeybees get so angry so easily.



Edited by OhNoNotAgain, May 29 2021 - 7:23 PM.

  • AntsMaryland and AntPhycho like this

Formiculture Journals::

Veromessor pergandei, andrei; Novomessor cockerelli

Camponotus fragilis; also separate journal: Camponotus sansabeanus (inactive), vicinus, laevigatus/quercicola

Liometopum occidentale;  Prenolepis imparis; Myrmecocystus mexicanus (inactive)

Pogonomyrmex subnitidus and californicus (inactive)

Tetramorium sp.

Termites: Zootermopsis angusticollis


Isopods: A. gestroi, granulatum, kluugi, maculatum, vulgare; C. murina; P. hoffmannseggi, P. haasi, P. ornatus; V. parvus

Spoods: Phidippus sp.

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