Hello, Ant Folk!
IN building my vivarium for my ants (maybe four days from completion? Maybe less depending on how much time I get with it this weekend) I need to figure out or be advised as to a good anti-climb barrier on power cords. I'm installing a waterfall feature (very small and basically decoration with plenty of escape routes, and jam packed with java moss) into the design and am looking for a way to make the power cord impervious to escape.
Species involved is Camponotus Novaborencis. They're about 350 strong and eager to move into a larger home, and this is my solution for them. And I don't want them to escape. Again. They recently breached their old/ returned setup and were recaptured, and I learned a lesson about how savage they can be if they are in the process of moving and over protective... I was treated most rudely.
I have had success on plastic with the alcohol/ baby powder method and am willing to use this, just curious what you folks have used.
Thanks in advance!