When I say Mono you say Morium! Mono! Morium Mono! Morium! Who doesn't like a nice colony of monomorium that are smaller then Brachymyrmex Patagonicus workers. I caught them today with my friend CheetoLord and some other friends went out looking for ants! Of course umm... Long story short umm... There was a Acanthomyops colony and we all know what happens with Acanthomyops when you aspirate near them... So umm what was really wacky is that the Acanthomyops (parasitic Lasius) were nesting right next to a Monomorium colony which was nesting next to a Solenopsis colony... It was really wacky... But i grabbed myself the queen with lots of brood. I'll post pics once they go into their nest!
Edited by NicholasP, June 14 2021 - 6:30 PM.