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What's the best way to move a Messor Barbarus queen into a new test tube?

messor barabarus queen test tube

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#1 Offline TBsupra33 - Posted May 14 2021 - 8:50 PM


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Hey guys, first post! i acquired a Messor Barbarus queen this week with 6 nanitics, and several stages of brood, my first queen/colony as well, but the water supply was out by the time i got it. I've had them hooked up to an AntsCanada test tube portal with another test tube attached with clean water in hopes they would move on their own, but its been two days and no luck. i know they are super sensitive to light and vibration, so there goes the only two ways i know of to move ants "forcibly" (using a flashlight while covering new tube, or dumping her into the new tube like the guy i got her from suggested). is there a better way to get them to move? have i not waited long enough and they just need more time? id hate for them to die of dehydration cause they refused to leave what is essentially their claustral cell. any input is greatly appreciated!

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#2 Offline ReignofRage - Posted May 14 2021 - 8:55 PM


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They will move when they feel the need, workers will still go to the other tube for water so don't work about them not getting water. The cotton can hold a surprising amount of water and still look dry, so chances are that the cotton is still wet and they will move when it fully dries out.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: messor, barabarus, queen, test, tube

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