Last week I managed to catch ten pheidole queens. They all were caught on my pool cover in the morning except for one who was caught at a blacklight. Eight of them were ID as pheidole tysoni, the one at a blacklight has been dubbed pheidole bicirinata. And the last queen is un-identified but is definitely a pheidole queen. And the last one is pheidole pilifera she is really small.
July 17th:
All of the pheidole tysoni queens have eggs! Some even have larvae. Six of the tysoni queens are solo and their are two pairs of two. This queen seems to have some small Larvae (1st photo)
The pheidole bicitinata is likely infertile

And the un-identified queen and the pheidole pilifera has and egg pile as well. This is a picture of the un-identified queen from an ID post (second photo)
Edited by AntBoi3030, August 29 2021 - 6:09 PM.