I have a colony of Pogonomyrmex and they are growing quite fast. They have 20 plus workers and a ton of developed brood. I have been feeing them dandelion seeds. I am not sure if they have been eating them however the food that they enjoy the most (that I have seen) is wet dog food. (chicken.) They only eat it when it is wet though. This is a great food because it is cheap, easy, I already have it and I don't have to kill or culture. (Not that you cannot or that it is not okay.) I highly recommend this food source for those reasons. The ants are in a tubs and tubes setup with a small layer of sand and rocks. I have put a new water test tube in because their old one was dried. They have finally went in and are starting to drink from it. However they have not moved in brood and queen. I lightly mist a small section across the outworld. The ants are very good at digging and keep trying to no matter what the conditions. I believe they have also eaten part of a fly larvae and brought it in to their tube. I plan to give them a firebrick nest soon. I will be posting more about them at my YouTube channel here: . I highly reccomend these ants for beginners and experts. Do not fear their sting, because of their poor climbing skills. And they boast a nice red color. I will update this on my YT channel tomorrow, thanks for reading, have a nice day and stay tuned for the next update. (Reply w/ questions or comments.)
Edited by NoveltyAntsYT, December 18 2022 - 1:20 PM.