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NPLT Ant Journal

myrmica sp. journal camponotus fallax osmia rufa manica rubida cthonolasius formica rufibarbis

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#1 Offline NPLT - Posted May 9 2021 - 9:05 AM


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I found a queen, so I think it's only right to start a journal.

Update 1: 09/05/21.




Myrmica sp.

Size: 1 Queen.


I found her today ( 9th May ) as she was foraging for food while I was returning from my trip to the forest, I actually joked that I may find some queens, and jokily prepared a test tube setup, I honestly thought I would not find anything as it's not really the season yet in Poland. Ask and ye shall receive I guess. I have so far given her the smallest drop of honey I could, I also ordered an 80mm by 100mm outworld, some substrate, D. hydei flies and Acheta domesticus crickets.

Edited by NPLT, July 18 2021 - 8:17 AM.

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Um, uh, Ants!


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#2 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted May 9 2021 - 9:16 AM


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That’s one spoiled queen.
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#3 Offline NPLT - Posted May 9 2021 - 9:19 AM


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That’s one spoiled queen.

3 years ago my ants died due to a couple of mistakes, I want for that to never happen again.

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#4 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted May 9 2021 - 11:55 AM


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That’s one spoiled queen.

3 years ago my ants died due to a couple of mistakes, I want for that to never happen again.
I know, it was a joke. Good luck with this one!
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#5 Offline Lillyrose - Posted May 9 2021 - 12:15 PM


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Oh yay! I'm happy for you .. it's a good feeling. I can't wait to see pics and updates. Congrats!
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#6 Offline NPLT - Posted May 9 2021 - 1:04 PM


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Oh yay! I'm happy for you .. it's a good feeling. I can't wait to see pics and updates. Congrats!

I do have a couple pics, but I posted them in another thread.


Edited by NPLT, May 9 2021 - 1:04 PM.

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#7 Offline NPLT - Posted May 10 2021 - 5:01 AM


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So, I have a small update, a smoldate


Anyway, the queen didn't lay yet ( obviously, I only fed her honey ), but I made some changes to the setup, 1. I made a small, slideable tube from foil that I wrapped her test tube in, and 2. I placed the tube on a piece of cotton. This was done for ease of feeding while waiting for the outworld, and peace of mind that she is not experiencing unwanted vibrations.


Also, I have found a Camponotus colony in my backyard ( finally! ) they're probably Camponotus fallax judging by the size and the redness of the legs. I have also found a small Myrmica sp. colony, the queen of that colony actually went out to greet me, lol, I for a second wondered if I should capture some workers or brood to jumpstart my colony but decided against it, seeing that their queen had very tiny spines while my queen has long spines.

Um, uh, Ants!


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#8 Offline NPLT - Posted May 11 2021 - 2:22 AM


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Update 2: 11/05/21


Myrmica sp.

Size: 1 queen


Good news, feeders arrived! rehoming the crickets was painless and fast, wish I could say it about the fruit flies, from 500 ml of them about 25 escaped ( which I caught ) along with two maggots, safe to say, the queen was given an extra large meal today (500% bigger than planned ). I think she might have eggs, though it's more based on the behaviour of the queen then on any actual observations, also, I discovered the queen is very chill when it comes to looking at her, less so when her tube is opened but that's understandable.

Edited by NPLT, May 11 2021 - 2:34 AM.

Um, uh, Ants!


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#9 Offline NPLT - Posted May 16 2021 - 5:06 AM


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Update 3: 16/05/21


Myrmica sp.

Size: 1 queen, eggs(?)

Well, nothing much has happened, still waiting for the outworld to arrive. The queen I think has settled into the tube and even started to take in food, she mights have some brood as when I peeked into her tube she seemed to be tending something, in either case, her gaster looks bigger, overfeeding so far proves useful.


Camponotus fallax

Size: 1 queen

Guess who lucked out on the ant lottery today, yup, me. I went to my grandparent's to mow the lawn, unfortunately due to rain that didn't happen. However, when looking around I found a Camponotus fallax queen on a birch tree.  :yahoo: . I was waiting for their flight to happen for a week or two now. She is already a dealate, and her gaster looks bigger so she is definitely fertile. I researched about this species already but any tips and tricks for it ( and Myrmentoma in general ) would be greatly appreciated. For now all I know is that I'll probably give them in the future a bamboo tube and a tubs and tubes setup since they will only have 30-50 workers in the colony. 


Pic 1.


Pic 2.


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#10 Offline NPLT - Posted May 17 2021 - 12:15 AM


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Update 4: 17/05/21


Myrmica sp.

Size: 1 queen, eggs!

Alright it's been confirmed, she has eggs! I peeked into her test tube when giving her more food, and I saw her tending to a cluster of eggs! Now that she's in for the long haul I think I'll name her, I was hesitant to do it as 1. I didn't knew if she'd lay, and 2. It might be seen as stupid, but screw it, her's name's now "Gift".


Camponotus fallax

Size: 1 queen

Didn't check


Also, I somehow had a maggot infestation in my cricket enclosure, how did a fly get in there to lay eggs then got out, I don't know, but I cleaned it out, also, my brother is getting my house a home for mason bees ( Osmia rufa to be specific ), so, that's gonna be fun.

Edited by NPLT, May 17 2021 - 12:16 AM.

Um, uh, Ants!


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#11 Offline NPLT - Posted May 17 2021 - 8:43 AM


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Right! I nearly forgot I took a photo, I'm a bit forgetful, thankfully that's why I have "feed the ants" set as a reminder in my phone.



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#12 Offline ANTdrew - Posted May 17 2021 - 9:02 AM


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Nice find!
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#13 Offline NPLT - Posted May 17 2021 - 9:05 AM


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Nice find!

Thanks! I've found her a week ago, and she finally laid eggs after some pretty heavy overfeeding. I've named her Gift.

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#14 Offline NPLT - Posted May 18 2021 - 10:31 AM


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So, smoldate #2


the outworld is here!


yay! that mass of cotton you see there? I made cushions from cotton for the tube, also thanks to the help of Chetto on the AKE server, a bit of cotton is now also blocking a way too large hole of 5 mm. due to tubing and tube differences ( the PCW tube is under all the cotton ), also, blocking one of the unused ports.


There were several unsuccesfull attempts to connect the set-up, and I was worried the whole time I was stressing the queen too much, due to all this the tube managed to rotate all the way 


thankfully she curiously went exploring the new piece of tubing when all was done and her tube was connected with the outworld ( now, let's hope she shows interest in exploring the outworld ).


Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried to not stress her, I still think she ate her eggs, as I was able to see them before this, but not so much now.


Hopefully they're just obscured by cotton.


From other news, I have still not checked on the fallax queen, and will probably not do so until the Sunday.


And, that's all!

Um, uh, Ants!


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#15 Offline NPLT - Posted May 18 2021 - 12:37 PM


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Just saw Gift exploring her outworld!  :D

Edited by NPLT, May 18 2021 - 12:38 PM.

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#16 Offline NPLT - Posted May 20 2021 - 7:20 AM


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Finally managed to take a photo of Gift exploring her outworld, and wow is she small, really puts it into perspective.


Edited by NPLT, May 20 2021 - 7:20 AM.

  • Antkeeper01, futurebird and zA-Z0-9 like this

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#17 Offline NPLT - Posted May 22 2021 - 12:12 AM


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Update 5:22/05/21


Myrmica sp. 

Size: 1 queen, lotsa brood.

Gift has been producing like crazy, and her egg pile got to an impressive size, overfeeding to the win! Also, I noticed something funny, but normal ant behaviour ( as AKE server reassured me ), she's been bringing substrate into her tube, and the opening of it, she managed to line the whole floor with it and make a small bridge near the opening, I guess she just likes to walk more on the substrate I provided.


Camponotus fallax

Size 1 queen, eggs

Alright, weekly checkup on the Camponotus queen, she got them eggs! Now I'll need a name for her, though, I have no idea, if anyone has any ideas please write here. Also, I noticed she pulled a lot on the cotton next to water, thankfully this didn't cause a flood, but she settled in the far end of the tube, away from water, maybe it's because fallax likes dry more, should I be concerned or do something?







Osmia rufa

Now, I know what you're thinking "but these are not ants, they're carpenter bees", yes, that's why its a bonus, my brother bought a carpenter bee nest for my mom for mother's day ( her father and me and my brother's grandfather is a beekeeper, it makes sense ), as far as I know only two hatched so far, but more will come when it gets hotter.



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#18 Offline ANTdrew - Posted May 22 2021 - 1:57 AM


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Awesome! I having nesting blocks for Osmia cornifrons and Osmia lignaria. I gave a block to my coworker this week, and she loved it!
Do you want me to come up with a Norse name for your queen?
  • Antkeeper01 and zA-Z0-9 like this
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#19 Offline NPLT - Posted May 22 2021 - 2:17 AM


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Awesome! I having nesting blocks for Osmia cornifrons and Osmia lignaria. I gave a block to my coworker this week, and she loved it!
Do you want me to come up with a Norse name for your queen?


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#20 Offline NPLT - Posted May 29 2021 - 3:07 AM


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Update: 29/05/21


Myrmica sp.

Size: 1 queen, eggs

I have a feeling like Gift's egg pile grew, in either case, I checked up on her, she seemed to be tending to them, I don't know if I should also be concerned or not, but I have a feeling like she comes out less into her outworld, I dunno why's that. I have taken a blurry photo, because my phone just refused to focus on her.


Camponotus fallax.

Size: 1 queen, eggs

Checked up, seen her tending to the eggs, as always near the opening of the tube, I already fear how it's going to be feeding the colony. Still didn't come up with a name. Blurry photo taken.



Also, I think my brother is going to buy me ants for kid's day ( even though I'm 16, but hey, free stuff is free stuff ), since I'm not about to ask him for exotics, otherwise it would be an easy pick of Cataglyphis bicolor, but I'm not exactly for exotic trade, so I think I'll ask him for Manica rubida, do you guys think it's a good pick, or should I go for something else?

  • TacticalHandleGaming and futurebird like this

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: myrmica sp., journal, camponotus fallax, osmia rufa, manica rubida, cthonolasius, formica rufibarbis

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