Hey Guys,
I recently got a Messor Cephalotes queen a little while ago and she arrived with a small pile of eggs. While she has been with me she has settled down a treat. Laid more eggs until she had about 18 and wasn't long before they hatched. I was even able to see a larvae still curled up inside its egg near to hatching.
The day finally arrived and her eggs began to hatch, notice the young larvae still in its egg in the below picture.
A week went by and her larvae grew. To help her Majesty I have been giving her one or too defrosted fruit fly's every few days which she has been taking and eating.
She started to get quite a few larvae as her eggs were hatching and she was being very attentive.
As a type this Journal entry the larvae are now two weeks old, she has unfortunately lost two which didn't seem to be taking food and within days they had shrivelled and gone brown so the queen ate them. Five large larvae remain and grow every day and her brood pile holds a collection of new eggs and newly hatched and days old larvae.
Well that's the update so far, Hopefully her larvae should be turning to pupae by the end of the week. I've been told its two to three weeks for Messor Cephalotes to pupate. Three weeks will be about Friday the 22nd. Here's hoping.
Update soon , take care all. Adam