Today I found a lot of these shiny wasp things I was only able to collect 2 here are some pics they were nesting under pavement I'm assuming or next to pavement in dirt,
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Today I found a lot of these shiny wasp things I was only able to collect 2 here are some pics they were nesting under pavement I'm assuming or next to pavement in dirt,
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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They look more like a bee to me. You won't get an ID from just this picture though.
The only green-metallic wasps I know about are Chrysididae sp., while for green-metallic bees there are Euglossini sp.
Edit: It could also be Ceratina sp.
Edited by NPLT, April 30 2021 - 3:28 AM.
Possibly Dialictus, but better images are needed.
Edited by gcsnelling, April 30 2021 - 2:36 AM.
My guess would be an Augochlora sweat bee. These are important native pollinators, so let them go and enjoy them in your yard. Plant lots of native flowers, and you’ll see tons of these all season. Mountain mint, milkweed, goldenrods, and asters are some of their favorites.
are they solitary?
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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i have a mild case of autism and i go to a center for therapy with other people and i found these is outside but not in a garden.(just because you have met 1 person with ASD doesnt mean you have met them all) also can you breed these?
Edited by Antkeeper01, April 30 2021 - 7:07 AM.
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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I don't think you could breed these solitary bees in captivity. Each female creates and provisions multiple nest cells for her eggs by visiting flowers for pollen and nectar. Like I said before, make your yard a bee sanctuary, and you'll have them all over to enjoy any moment of the day.
I don't think you could breed these solitary bees in captivity. Each female creates and provisions multiple nest cells for her eggs by visiting flowers for pollen and nectar. Like I said before, make your yard a bee sanctuary, and you'll have them all over to enjoy any moment of the day.
I might look for plants to do this! Can you link me an example of this? Bees along with wasps and termites are some more arthropods I would like to try to keep as a hobby alongside my already existing ant hobby.
can i collect some and release them into my garden?
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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Here are some resources I found on the Xerces Society webpage for your region:
Polinator plants for Colorado:
Native Plants of Colorado:
thanks for the links and can i catch some and release them into my garden?
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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Yes, you probably could, but they may have already started provisioning nests at the site where you found them. If you plant lots of native pollinator plants, I guarantee they will come to you.
Yes, you probably could, but they may have already started provisioning nests at the site where you found them. If you plant lots of native pollinator plants, I guarantee they will come to you.
its 20 minutes away
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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