C. anthrax- Still no brood, I fed her to see if that will help.
C. clarithorax- All queens have at least one pupa.
C. essigi- Most eggs are now larvae.
C. sp.- All eggs are now larvae, one large larve.
C. maritimus- Has more larvae.
C. semitestaceus- A pupa is trying to enclose, you can see a slit in the cocoon.
C. us-ca02- Both have almost all pupae.
C. vicinus- This queen has gotten darker and darker, but she does have more pupae.
L. occidentale- All eggs are now larvae, the second queen has a single larva wwith a fungal infection which makes it pink.
M. sp.- This queen now has three pupae and more larvae.
V. pergandei- Didn't check it this week.
Edited by ReignofRage, June 26 2021 - 5:01 PM.