My friend lives in Ramona (Southern California, east county San Diego). It is a semi-rural area, but a lot of houses and a school nearby. There are also millions of Argentine ants, Messor Andrei, Forelius mccooki, some small ants and Pogonomyrmex. The Messor get attacked by the Argentine ants a lot (but somehow survive), and the Argentine ants here don't seem to be as aggressive. But millions of Argentine ants.

These look different than Tapinoma sessile I remember seeing. T. sessile that I've seen are a bit smaller than Argentine ants. These are actually the size or a bit bigger than Argentine ants. The three queens (pretty sure I found lots, but I didn't sort through the dirt. And actually, they were just in the grass and inside plants, they weren't underground at all) I found are also much bigger than I remember Tapinoma sessile queens I've seen. The queens are a bit bigger than Argentine ant queens. They also had various nesting spots, each nest had one queen (or more) residing in them. The queens weren't located in one spot, but spread out within the multiple nesting sites. The Tapinoma sessile also take on a more dark brown color (like Argentine ants), these are completely black with white legs. The abdomen is pretty elongated , and the part connecting the petiole is pretty white and the tip is black.
I know Technomyrmex difficilis look similar to Tapinoma sessile, and have similar nesting habits. But, these look a bit different to me and are definitely bigger and a different color than I remember seeing from Tapinoma sessile.
I also know Technomyrmex difficilis HAVE been found in various locations in California, but not widespread at all. But I am not sure where.
But then, maybe they are just Tapinoma sessile and my memory of them is wrong...but, just want to make sure. However, one thing I am positive of. The queens are definitely bigger than I've seen from Tapinoma sessile queens. Unless the size just varies depending on region.
Edited by Vendayn, March 18 2016 - 6:51 PM.