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Leo's paludarium, terrariums and plants

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#1 Offline Leo - Posted April 24 2021 - 5:40 AM


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I've had some planted tanks for quite a while now, and so i just wanted to share some with ya'll :>


The paludarium


The paludarium was constructed early this year, and is currently approximately 3 months old. Its a 10 gallon tank with a lava-stone background, with some aquarium-filter foam on the sides. The back is sectioned off in a makeshift filter, and a small aquarium pump pumps the water back to the top, thereby ensuring water flow and creating a small waterfall.


Full view (sorry about my reflection)


The water mainly flows down the centre, and some of it wicks off to the side either through the moss or just by flowing inbetween the gaps in the rocks. There are some issues with this tank, such as a few stones missing from the background, and so occasionally you can see the plastic seperator on which the stones were siliconed to. Unfortunately, I cannot find any photos of the build proccess, but I will post them here if I do.




Selaginella uncinata (spiked club moss/fern) that covers a large portion of the right side of the tank, as well as a big chunk of the top left. When in low light, it has an incredible blue iridescence, which dissapears when the fronds are wet.


Hygrophila pinnatifida (fern hyrgrophila) This plant grows in a dense clump in the middle of the waterfall. There is also some small plants which are growing underneath the waterfall (a.k.a in the water section) and have been doing very well. One of my faivorites, as it grows fast and is almost impossible to kill.


Filmy ferns (Abrodictyum obscurum, Crepidomanes sp). These ferns are the star of the show :), their leaves are only 1 cell thick in certain areas, and require extremely humid enviroments to survive, as without the water, the leaves almost immediately shrivel and die. However, their delicate fronds are incredible to behold, even if they do grow a tad bit slowly. From the full-tank shot above, you can see some filmy ferns on the left side, and the rock on the left side is also covered in small immature fronds. There is also another clump of them near the top of the waterfall.


Other plants: Dendrobium sp, Neoregalia (green fireball), Selaginella erythropus, Selaginella sp, Microgramma sp, Cryptocoryne parva, Cryptocoryne sp (brown), Java fern, Marcgravia umbellata

mosses: Fissidens sp (three different species), Vesicularia sp, Plagonium sp, and some that Idk the name of :P


The inhabitants


Honestly nothing much. There is a stray isopod in there, as well as springtails (and springtail-hunting mites), the more important inhabitants, however, is a single small crab,~5 river shrimp, a freshwater mussel and freshwater clam.


The crab is a very skittish little girl, and I kinda want to replace it with a few thai micro crabs.


Terrarium 1


This terrarium is rather small, and is completely overgrown with selaginella and hygrophilla. The bottom of the tank is carpeted by small Anubias nana, as well as Climacium moss. The tank is far smaller than the paludarium, but is quite a bit older. Plant list will be down below.


(completely overgrown, can't see anything inside)


(after a quick trimming)


This terraium has no inhabitants other than isopods and springtails, as I believe it is far too small.


Plants: Selaginella uncinata, Bucephelandra sp, Anubias nana (petite), Hygrophila pinnatifida, Microgramma sp (two species), Selaginella sp, Selaginella erythropus, Bird's foot fern

Mosses: Climacium sp, Fissidens sp, Ptilium sp, Plagonium sp, Tortula sp, Hypnum sp, Leucobryum scabrum, and more



Orchids and other plants


Of course, I have lots of other plants too, but I kinda don't have the time to photograph all of them and make a detailed description, so below will be a small compilation of some of them, with their scientific names and photos.


Bulbophyllum elevatopunctatum


chiloschista viridiflava


Masdevallia sp


Epigeneium cf. gagnep


Idk what this is :P











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