Kibble mush is a success. They definitely ate some. This is excellent news for us all, because kibble is easier than mealworms (sorry mealie keepers, it's nothing personal).
Another body was seen today in the tubes: I believe the first generation is succumbing to age. If this belief is wrong please correct me, because if I am wrong g then Something Is Wrong In The Chambers and I hafta fix it.
Followers of this journal know that I am blessed with like, supernatural numbers of local prennies. Well, they had a second (third? Dunno, didn't move here til March) flight and I caught many even though I had to leave them during the peak of the flight. Stupid needing to do stuff after work! Boo! Boo, I say!
But! Wow, so many.
Like, 30? 40? I know some of you are laughing at this pitiful number but it is a lot for me. Basically, if you are in the GTA and can pick em up, I has queens available in sets of 5, most appear fertile. Probably. I'm pretty sure.
Kaelwizard, m99 and JCRHJM like this