Oh that is a good idea. I have an Apartment/honeycell nest chamber from Por Amor Ant, can I offer them that? Or just stick with the test tube set-ups? Do I leave both tubes open or use tubing to connect them?
I am truly grateful for all your help and advice, I am so excited I could scream and I feel like if I look at the Imp'risarios now there will be more nanitics because last night there were so many eyes!
I was too excited to type out the tale, but now I have enough sense to do so:
When I saw the first pale motion, I focused in closer and saw A Full Nanitic trying to put her newly drying legs in order (ugh, so kawaii, ded utterly).
But my friends, it got even cuter.
As I peered furiously into the tube, I noticed the First Baby making a repetitive motion to her side. Even while she herself was drying, she was helping a sister stretch out, welcoming her as she struggled into her final form. I then noticed many dark little eyes in the brood pile, and I knew it was about to get W I L D in there. More soon, will be hovering for your updated advices ❤
Edited by mantisgal, July 11 2021 - 3:04 PM.