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What do you use to crush food/make it small enough?

ant care tetramorium

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#1 Offline Indigo762 - Posted March 30 2021 - 9:25 AM



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Hi all!


I am on month 6 of my first colony (tetramorium).


I've been having trouble making the bits of food I give them small enough for them to carry (since tetramorium are so tiny) as well as making my syrup droplets small enough so they don't get stuck. And once the food is small enough it gets stuck to the forceps/tweezers I use to move the food into their outerworld.


What do you use to make the food pieces small enough? I've been using a mortar so far but are there better tools?



#2 Offline ANTdrew - Posted March 30 2021 - 9:31 AM


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It is enough to chop open feeder insects, so the ants can lap up the juices inside. It is not necessary for the ants to carry the food. For sugars, use byFormica or THA liquid feeders, preferably with Sunburst Ant Nectar.
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#3 Offline Indigo762 - Posted April 2 2021 - 6:48 AM



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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ant care, tetramorium

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