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Tyr_ants's Dorymyrmex bicolor journal

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#1 Offline Tyr_Ants - Posted March 29 2021 - 9:53 AM


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  • LocationCosta Mesa California

Yesterday I caught 25 of these queens but I forgot to take pictures until now. I have already tubed them up and I have put a few queens together to see if they will found together, so far they are getting along well. Sadly 2 queens died of dehydration due to the extreme heat yesterday. I wanted to experiment with them so I put some sand in the tubes and some without sand to see if they do better with sand or no sand.

Ant Shop: (restocking soon) https://www.formicul...op/#entry195574  (y)  (y)  (y)  (y)  (y)  (y)  (y)  B)  B)  B)

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