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Phasor's Phormicariums

nest diy formicarium

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#21 Offline PhasorShift - Posted February 14 2021 - 6:38 PM


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I made a dedicated outworld today, similar to the first nest I created. It's pretty simple, but I still took step by step pictures.

First, the pour. Don't need much ultracal for this, which is good because I'm almost out. I'm always bad at judging how much I need, yet thankfully it's usually too little, not too much. Didn't have that problem this time though.

Upon investigation, I didn't take a picture of that step, but you can imagine it.

Next I place in the fake plants. I got some aquarium decorations and some from a craft store, so I arrange these in an appealing manner. I mixed the plaster too runny so the plants couldn't stand up when I put them in, so I just had to wait a few minutes.

Next, I placed the larger stones. These give some shape to the ground and things to climb on. I also put in a flat rock to act as a feeding tray.

Then I sprinkle some crushed gravel over the plaster, to give the ground some texture. Aquarium gravel would probably work for this, but I used some stuff I got from the craft store. Don't add too much, this is just to give a bit of variety to the ground.
(I almost forgot to take a pic at this step, do I kinda started the next one already)

Then, sand. I pour sand over everything, completely covering any remaining plaster, getting it between the plants and up to the edges. This one you can be liberal with, as you'll dump out the extra later, and it helps fill in the cracks.

Then, just wait for it to cure.

Once it's fully set, dump out all the loose sand, and brush away any that's not firmly attached. Don't have to get everything out, but it keeps it nice.

All that's left is to cut vents in the top and cover with mesh, and add entrances in the sides. This box has an airtight lid so it should be hard to escape from, but I'll also put on some fluon to prevent escapees while feeding.

I may have been a bit overenthusiastic with the decorations in this one though... It's pretty crowded in there, and might make cleaning difficult. Let me tell you, those little plants look a lot smaller before you put them into the box... I might make another that's a bit more open.
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#22 Offline MysticNanitic - Posted February 14 2021 - 10:00 PM


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Looks high quality. Your last nest carving should display on a table very nicely. Is this outworld to mount on that angled one?
Make sure you wear a respirator when carving, fine particles can wreck your lungs in a number of ways long term.

#23 Offline PhasorShift - Posted February 15 2021 - 4:10 AM


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Looks high quality. Your last nest carving should display on a table very nicely. Is this outworld to mount on that angled one?
Make sure you wear a respirator when carving, fine particles can wreck your lungs in a number of ways long term.

If the angled one comes out nice, then probably. Even though this outworld is a bit cluttered, I don't really think cleaning it will be too much of an issue... Though I may still make another one. Or cut some of the plants out of this one, I dunno.

And yes, I do always wear a KN95 mask while carving, which I think counts as a respirator. I probably could pick up a canister mask next time in out though, for added protection.
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#24 Offline ANTdrew - Posted February 15 2021 - 4:36 AM


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I think your outworld will be fine. Use a feeding dish and get an aspirator for vacuuming up trash.
Oh, and where did you get those containers?

Edited by ANTdrew, February 15 2021 - 4:44 AM.

"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
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#25 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted February 15 2021 - 7:17 AM


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That outworld is top notch!

#26 Offline PhasorShift - Posted February 15 2021 - 7:54 AM


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Oh, and where did you get those containers?


The containers are mDesign airtight stackable storage bins. This is the only size I could find with airtight, but there's some other sizes that aren't.

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#27 Offline ANTdrew - Posted February 15 2021 - 8:22 AM


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I like those a lot!
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
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#28 Offline MysticNanitic - Posted February 15 2021 - 10:39 PM


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Your KN95 is a respirator and is all you need. I like the ones with exhaust valves.

Will you add a vent to that outworld lid? Nice that it’s hinged.

#29 Offline PhasorShift - Posted February 16 2021 - 4:48 AM


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Will you add a vent to that outworld lid? Nice that it’s hinged.

Yeah. This is how I did it for the first nest in this thread, I'll do something similar. Maybe four vents to make sure the outworld stays dry. Two might be enough. I dunno. I'll do whatever I feel like at the time.
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#30 Offline PhasorShift - Posted February 16 2021 - 5:03 PM


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...and get an aspirator for vacuuming up trash.

Oh, forgot to mention. I did get a cheap $20 hand vacuum to help with cleanup. I saw a video where someone did that and I liked the idea. Apparently also helps wrangle escapees.
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#31 Offline AleeGuy - Posted February 16 2021 - 5:47 PM


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...and get an aspirator for vacuuming up trash.

Oh, forgot to mention. I did get a cheap $20 hand vacuum to help with cleanup. I saw a video where someone did that and I liked the idea. Apparently also helps wrangle escapees.
yes the small keyboard vacuums are great because they are compact, not noisy, and isn't strong to vacuum up loose small decorations.

#32 Offline gs5248 - Posted February 16 2021 - 7:36 PM


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I wish I had one. I am stuck with using a regular old vacuum. 

#33 Offline ANTdrew - Posted February 16 2021 - 7:40 PM


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I wish I had one. I am stuck with using a regular old vacuum.

Make an aspirator. It’s really easy if you have vinyl tubing and a small container.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
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#34 Offline gs5248 - Posted February 16 2021 - 7:42 PM


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For some reason, I have never thought of that before. I will definitely do that. :)

#35 Offline PhasorShift - Posted February 17 2021 - 6:13 AM


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I'm hesitant to make an aspirator because I don't really want to be inhaling whatever garbage particulate there is, but maybe I'll use like a mechanical pump, if it has enough suction.

#36 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted February 17 2021 - 7:54 AM


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I'm hesitant to make an aspirator because I don't really want to be inhaling whatever garbage particulate there is, but maybe I'll use like a mechanical pump, if it has enough suction.

Yeah, that's why I don't like the idea of using one.

#37 Offline ANTdrew - Posted February 17 2021 - 7:58 AM


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I just use it to clean dried insect shells and escapees if needed. Nothing harmful to breathe in.
"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
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#38 Offline PhasorShift - Posted February 17 2021 - 8:25 AM


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Not harmful, but potentially gross and unpleasant. Also formic acid for some species. This is more of a personal preference, rather than actually thinking it's bad to do.

#39 Offline NickAnter - Posted February 17 2021 - 8:33 AM


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You can use standard fuel filters to filter out any dust. That is what I use, as well as many other people.

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Hi there! I went on a 6 month or so hiatus, in part due, and in part cause of the death of my colonies. 

However, I went back to the Sierras, and restarted my collection, which is now as follows:

Aphaenogaster uinta, Camponotus vicinus, Camponotus modoc, Formica cf. aserva, Formica cf. micropthalma, Formica cf. manni, Formica subpolita, Formica cf. subaenescens, Lasius americanus, Manica invidia, Pogonomyrmex salinus, Pogonomyrmex sp. 1, Solenopsis validiuscula, & Solenopsis sp. 3 (new Sierra variant). 

#40 Offline ANTdrew - Posted February 17 2021 - 8:44 AM


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It's all good. To each his own. I was trying to help the youngster who didn't have a vacuum.

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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nest, diy, formicarium

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