I got a bit of a head start before starting this topic, so I'll catch you up on the three I've made so far.

This is the first formicarium I made, a combo nest/outworld. I may have started off a bit ambitious. It's Ultracal 30 poured into the acrylic box, decorated with gravel and stones and fake plants, then slid out for carving. I really wanted a two section, expandable nest design so I could use it sooner with a smaller colony, and open up the larger section once more room is needed. Not sure how well that would work, and there were a few things I tried that didn't work out so well, but mostly is pretty good. This was just a learning experience anyway.

Next, I got some 4x6 acrylic sheets and some clay and tried a molded nest with a water tower, again with Ultracal. This turned out pretty nice, though the chambers are pretty big. It's difficult to mold small things with the clay. I resisted making a water tower at first, but eventually gave in.

My most recent nest is a bit different. I cut one of my acrylic sheets in half and made a custom mold out of foam core, to make a smaller nest on an incline. I tried to carve the chambers level with the ground, so angled against the glass, which was difficult freehand. This one turned out pretty nice, though my carving leaves something to be desired.
I have all three testing with water, heating pads, and a thermometer/hydrometer to see how they are before moving ants in. And so far, all three are way too humid. I need to figure out how to better regulate moisture, but they basically immediately are at 99% humidity, and the glass gets soaked with condensation. Any advice to deal with that is welcome, and I'll keep trying.
Anyway, that's what I've got so far. More to come!