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Any funny anting stories?

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#181 Offline ExponentMars - Posted November 9 2021 - 11:52 AM


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Had to cops called on me cuz i was in the bushes with my Aspirator, cops came and told me to get out and i straight up told them that whoever called them is a karen and if you think a pill bottle full of ant queens is drugs your gravely mistaken. they just looked at me funny and told me to get on the wall and searched me (of course all they found was a couple bottles of queens and brood for brood boosting) they just kept looking at me weird like i was this weird teenager doing kindergarden things, was hella Awkward, soon enough i found out who called the cops on me cuz they started to come out of there house bothering me. SSSSOOOOO i did something real evil cuz screw that karen (at this time i had 23 colonies of just Solonopsis and Tetras that i couldn't take care of anymore cuz all of them were reaching the thousands and thousands) anyways guess what i did? I'm sure you know what i did, i released all 23 colonies in her back and front yard soon enough she kept calling pest control but they never went away. i haven't heard from this karen in awhile now all i know is that house still mega infested, serves her right for calling the cops on me and putting me in a awkward situation, and then doing nothing but bother me. funny revenge story.

Sweet SWEET revenge >:D 

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Ants, gaming
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#182 Offline ExponentMars - Posted November 9 2021 - 3:26 PM


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When I was in 5th grade, there was a MASSIVE nuptial flight of RIFA right in the playground. I got out some test tubes and started to catch them en masse, planning to start multiple polygynous colonies of RIFA. This group of annoying girls saw me doing this, and they said - "HEY! RELEASE THOSE ANTS!! You're going to kill them!" I tried explaining to them that catching them and putting them in polygynous test tube setups would give them a FAR greater chance of success than if they were in the wild, but they didn't believe me. When I refused to release the ants, they told a teacher and then the teacher made me release them. So stupid  :mad:

  • Antkeeper01, Chickalo and PaigeX like this
Ants, gaming
Currently Keeping: 
Crematogaster sp., Camponotus Ca02, Tetramorium Immigrans
Acromyrmex, novos, Pogonomyrmex, Formica, and Lasius

#183 Offline Chickalo - Posted November 10 2021 - 5:14 AM


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When I was in 5th grade, there was a MASSIVE nuptial flight of RIFA right in the playground. I got out some test tubes and started to catch them en masse, planning to start multiple polygynous colonies of RIFA. This group of annoying girls saw me doing this, and they said - "HEY! RELEASE THOSE ANTS!! You're going to kill them!" I tried explaining to them that catching them and putting them in polygynous test tube setups would give them a FAR greater chance of success than if they were in the wild, but they didn't believe me. When I refused to release the ants, they told a teacher and then the teacher made me release them. So stupid  :mad:

This is when you release the colonies into their yards for revenge, right?  ...  Right?

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#184 Offline azzaaazzzz00 - Posted November 17 2021 - 12:55 PM


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Ok, so two stories, first one happened like a year ago and the second one happened this spring.


1. I really wanted to catch (and not buy) a crematogaster queen, so I was on the look for them when my anting buddy (my brother) came to me and was like: what kind of ants are these? They look like Crematogaster queens...sadly their dead, welp guess that's a part of anting. Me: *dies*


2. I was on the look for queen ants as usual, I found a Solenopsis Molesta queen, but she ran into the pile of bricks next to my house. Then, out of nowhere, my neighbor comes out and sees me knealing on the ground chucking bricks everywhere. I froze, realizing I must look like a frantic phycopath, he goes back in looking confused and I continue my brick throwing rampage. Good news is that I did end up catching the queen. Later, my neighbor came to my door and asked me what I was doing...My Brain:*shuts down*. Me: uhhhhhhhh...I dropped my watch! Yea...I was looking for my watch....He finally goes away, whew, I was so close to slamming that door on him.

  • Chickalo, antgallery, PaigeX and 1 other like this
Been keeping ants since January of 2021

Always try new things, even if its hard, hard is not impossible. We are smart and it's good to be smart but not too smart for your own good.

#185 Offline Chickalo - Posted November 17 2021 - 1:18 PM


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I'd like to imagine the conversation after that went something like:
"How did your watch fall into that tiny hole?"
"Oh you know...  Gravity and sh*t"
"Oh-?  Well, did you end up getting it"

"Yeah, definitely"
"Can I see it?"
"NO- well, I have to do...  Homework?  Yeah, that sounds right, goodbye!"


Friendly neighbour 100

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#186 Offline azzaaazzzz00 - Posted November 17 2021 - 1:20 PM


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Exactly, spot on (glad he didn't question how the "watch" ended up at the very bottom of that brick pile)

Edited by azzaaazzzz00, November 17 2021 - 1:22 PM.

  • Antkeeper01, Chickalo, antgallery and 1 other like this
Been keeping ants since January of 2021

Always try new things, even if its hard, hard is not impossible. We are smart and it's good to be smart but not too smart for your own good.

#187 Offline ANTS_KL - Posted November 17 2021 - 11:20 PM


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When I was in 5th grade, there was a MASSIVE nuptial flight of RIFA right in the playground. I got out some test tubes and started to catch them en masse, planning to start multiple polygynous colonies of RIFA. This group of annoying girls saw me doing this, and they said - "HEY! RELEASE THOSE ANTS!! You're going to kill them!" I tried explaining to them that catching them and putting them in polygynous test tube setups would give them a FAR greater chance of success than if they were in the wild, but they didn't believe me. When I refused to release the ants, they told a teacher and then the teacher made me release them. So stupid :mad:

You should've explained to the teacher. Kids that don't listen to someone clearly better than them have like 0 braincells.

Sent from my CPH2201 using Tapatalk
  • Antkeeper01, Chickalo and azzaaazzzz00 like this
Young ant keeper with a decent amount of knowledge on local ant species.

YouTube: https://m.youtube.co...uKsahGliSH7EqOQ (It's pretty dead. Might upload again soon, don't expect my voice to sound the same though.)

Currently kept ant species, favorites have a star in front of their names (NOT in alphabetical order, also may be outdated sometimes): Camponotus irritans inferior, Ooceraea biroi, Pheidole parva, Nylanderia sp., Paraparatrechina tapinomoides, Platythyrea sp., Anochetus sp., Colobopsis sp. (cylindrica group), Crematogaster ferrarii, Polyrhachis (Myrma) cf. pruinosa, Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) laevissima, Tapinoma sp. (formerly Zatapinoma)

Death count: Probably over a hundred individual queens and colonies by now. I cannot recall whatsoever.

#188 Offline SYUTEO - Posted November 18 2021 - 5:01 PM


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I had half of my test tubes broken by my youngest second cousin last night... And one of them rolled into a drain and I had to get it back...bare handed... :bad: I lost a Camponotus queen because of it... :ugone2far:

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Began antkeeping in 2018  :)


All ant journal: https://www.formicul...os-ant-journal/

#189 Offline ANTS_KL - Posted November 18 2021 - 5:12 PM


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I had half of my test tubes broken by my youngest second cousin last night... And one of them rolled into a drain and I had to get it back...bare handed... :bad: I lost a Camponotus queen because of it... :ugone2far:

Lock him in a closet for 3 weeks with only 1 grain of bread a day and no water

Sent from my CPH2201 using Tapatalk
  • Antkeeper01 likes this
Young ant keeper with a decent amount of knowledge on local ant species.

YouTube: https://m.youtube.co...uKsahGliSH7EqOQ (It's pretty dead. Might upload again soon, don't expect my voice to sound the same though.)

Currently kept ant species, favorites have a star in front of their names (NOT in alphabetical order, also may be outdated sometimes): Camponotus irritans inferior, Ooceraea biroi, Pheidole parva, Nylanderia sp., Paraparatrechina tapinomoides, Platythyrea sp., Anochetus sp., Colobopsis sp. (cylindrica group), Crematogaster ferrarii, Polyrhachis (Myrma) cf. pruinosa, Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) laevissima, Tapinoma sp. (formerly Zatapinoma)

Death count: Probably over a hundred individual queens and colonies by now. I cannot recall whatsoever.

#190 Offline SYUTEO - Posted November 18 2021 - 6:53 PM


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I had half of my test tubes broken by my youngest second cousin last night... And one of them rolled into a drain and I had to get it back...bare handed... :bad: I lost a Camponotus queen because of it... :ugone2far:

Lock him in a closet for 3 weeks with only 1 grain of bread a day and no water

Sent from my CPH2201 using Tapatalk


Woah, chill out. She's only one and a half years old.

  • Antkeeper01 and Chickalo like this

Began antkeeping in 2018  :)


All ant journal: https://www.formicul...os-ant-journal/

#191 Offline ANTS_KL - Posted November 18 2021 - 7:01 PM


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I had half of my test tubes broken by my youngest second cousin last night... And one of them rolled into a drain and I had to get it back...bare handed... :bad: I lost a Camponotus queen because of it... :ugone2far:

Lock him in a closet for 3 weeks with only 1 grain of bread a day and no water

Sent from my CPH2201 using Tapatalk
Woah, chill out. She's only one and a half years old.
Don't do that. Slap her foot instead.

Sent from my CPH2201 using Tapatalk
  • Antkeeper01 likes this
Young ant keeper with a decent amount of knowledge on local ant species.

YouTube: https://m.youtube.co...uKsahGliSH7EqOQ (It's pretty dead. Might upload again soon, don't expect my voice to sound the same though.)

Currently kept ant species, favorites have a star in front of their names (NOT in alphabetical order, also may be outdated sometimes): Camponotus irritans inferior, Ooceraea biroi, Pheidole parva, Nylanderia sp., Paraparatrechina tapinomoides, Platythyrea sp., Anochetus sp., Colobopsis sp. (cylindrica group), Crematogaster ferrarii, Polyrhachis (Myrma) cf. pruinosa, Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) laevissima, Tapinoma sp. (formerly Zatapinoma)

Death count: Probably over a hundred individual queens and colonies by now. I cannot recall whatsoever.

#192 Offline Leptomyrmx - Posted November 18 2021 - 9:48 PM


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So today there was a Nylanderia cf. rosae nuptial flight happening at my school, and there's quite a few queens around the place, and I'm hoping to catch some to add to my massive army of Nylanderia. So I bend down to catch one of the queens, and one person comes over to me and asks 'what are you doing?' I say I'm collecting a queen ant, antkeeping is my hobby, etc. Luckily they were fine with that and didn't say 'O nOe YoUr HeRtiNg NaTiV AmiNaLsEs ToO KiLL DeM!11!!1!!' I'm still trying to catch this one queen, and more people come over to watch and try and help, aaaand the bell rings and I only manage to catch one queen.

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My Ants:

Colonies: Camponotus humilior 1w, Opisthopsis rufithorax 11w, Aphaenogaster longiceps ~5w, Pheidole sp. ~235w ~15m, Iridomyrmex sp. 2q 1w, Brachyponera lutea 6w, Crematogaster sp. ~20w, Podomyrma sp. 1w

Queens: Polyrhachis cf. robinsoni, Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) sp. (likely infertile)

Previously Kept: Colobopsis gasseri, Technomyrmex sp., Rhytidoponera victorae, Nylanderia cf. rosae, Myrmecia brevinoda/forficata, Polyrhachis australis, Solenopsis/Monomorium

Key: Q = Queen, W = Worker, M = Major

Youtube Channel: Ants of Sydney - YouTube

Patreon (for YouTube channel): https://www.patreon.com/antsofsydney

#193 Offline ANTS_KL - Posted November 21 2021 - 4:47 PM


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So today there was a Nylanderia cf. rosae nuptial flight happening at my school, and there's quite a few queens around the place, and I'm hoping to catch some to add to my massive army of Nylanderia. So I bend down to catch one of the queens, and one person comes over to me and asks 'what are you doing?' I say I'm collecting a queen ant, antkeeping is my hobby, etc. Luckily they were fine with that and didn't say 'O nOe YoUr HeRtiNg NaTiV AmiNaLsEs ToO KiLL DeM!11!!1!!' I'm still trying to catch this one queen, and more people come over to watch and try and help, aaaand the bell rings and I only manage to catch one queen.

sad. Anyway not a story of mine but a story from my dad (he catches queens for me and somehow he can tell them apart despite me never telling him). So one day he woke up while me, my sister, and my mom were on a holiday at Mentakab (again after like 3 weeks). And he went into the toilet to shower before going to work. So, after that he sees a massive thing walking around and he's like 'Woah what is this? Looks like a huge ant' and captures it. And he sent me some pics on WhatsApp. From those blurry pics I deduced it was some Camponotus species. AND UPON MY RETURN, I AM GREETED WITH A 3 CM LONG DINOMYRMEX GIGAS QUEEN. At that point I was screaming in shock and with joy. And that's it. My dads very interesting find in the toilet.

  • Chickalo, SYUTEO, eea and 2 others like this
Young ant keeper with a decent amount of knowledge on local ant species.

YouTube: https://m.youtube.co...uKsahGliSH7EqOQ (It's pretty dead. Might upload again soon, don't expect my voice to sound the same though.)

Currently kept ant species, favorites have a star in front of their names (NOT in alphabetical order, also may be outdated sometimes): Camponotus irritans inferior, Ooceraea biroi, Pheidole parva, Nylanderia sp., Paraparatrechina tapinomoides, Platythyrea sp., Anochetus sp., Colobopsis sp. (cylindrica group), Crematogaster ferrarii, Polyrhachis (Myrma) cf. pruinosa, Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) laevissima, Tapinoma sp. (formerly Zatapinoma)

Death count: Probably over a hundred individual queens and colonies by now. I cannot recall whatsoever.

#194 Offline Idontexist - Posted December 4 2021 - 6:53 PM


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Back in my early days of ant keeping. (i didn't do any research) i was an idiot. I owned a super [censored] settup. It was a water bottle filled with paper. It had only workers. And guess what? Both from different species. and when reddit gave me advice i just took a "queen" (just any replete) and called it a day. Guess how they died.
Back in my early days of ant keeping. (i didn't do any research) i was an idiot. I owned a super [censored] settup. It was a water bottle filled with paper. It had only workers. And guess what? Both from different species. and when reddit gave me advice i just took a "queen" (just any replete) and called it a day. Guess how they died.
Back in my early days of ant keeping. (i didn't do any research) i was an idiot. I owned a super [censored] settup. It was a water bottle filled with paper. It had only workers. And guess what? Both from different species. and when reddit gave me advice i just took a "queen" (just any replete) and called it a day. Guess how they died.

#195 Offline Idontexist - Posted January 8 2022 - 2:23 PM


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i hope they are bitten by the ant with the most painful sting in VA! and then get bitten by Eciton!

Yeah, the elusive Eciton virginiana.

I live in campeche mexico

Guess what antwiki says about eciton burchellii distribution

i hope they are bitten by the ant with the most painful sting in VA! and then get bitten by Eciton!

Yeah, the elusive Eciton virginiana.

I live in campeche mexico

Guess what antwiki says about eciton burchellii distribution

#196 Offline Idontexist - Posted January 8 2022 - 4:20 PM


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Ahaha I just remembered this one. I had just started the ant keeping hobby, and was looking for my first queen ant. I ended up finding a Preno queen at my school (This was when I was in elementary school lol). I was about to catch it but the teacher walked outside and was like, "Leave that ant alone!"
I was like, ok and I stepped away but I was still watching the queen. The teacher said that I couldn't bring the queen into the classroom, and I didn't have any containers outside, so this other person in my class gave me a pencil sharpener to put the queen in, like the ones with the bottom where the pencil scraps fall into.
So I put the queen into the pencil sharpener and went into class. At the end of the day, the teacher saw me with the queen (inside class) and I got a note sent home to my parents lmao
I had to release the queen tho :(

that happened to me but abit different, when i was getting into ant keeping, and when my family went over to see my cousins in the neighbouring town, there was a P. imparis queen, so i went inside to grab something to put her in, and when i came out she was smoshed by my aunts shoe
i hate your aunt lol

#197 Offline Idontexist - Posted January 8 2022 - 7:37 PM


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This was before I was into keeping ants so it is embarrassing looking back, but my brothers, my neighbor, and I were in the middle of a nuptial flight on my neighbor's driveway. We started burning queens with a lighter and drowning them in wasp spray :facepalm:

chill out man we have all killed ants for fun before.

#198 Offline Idontexist - Posted January 8 2022 - 7:57 PM


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When I was in 5th grade, there was a MASSIVE nuptial flight of RIFA right in the playground. I got out some test tubes and started to catch them en masse, planning to start multiple polygynous colonies of RIFA. This group of annoying girls saw me doing this, and they said - "HEY! RELEASE THOSE ANTS!! You're going to kill them!" I tried explaining to them that catching them and putting them in polygynous test tube setups would give them a FAR greater chance of success than if they were in the wild, but they didn't believe me. When I refused to release the ants, they told a teacher and then the teacher made me release them. So stupid :mad:

send those girls to peter gerard scully's house lol. I am mad

#199 Offline Manitobant - Posted January 8 2022 - 8:13 PM


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Please stop spamming threads. Also stop being so impatient, if the post won’t load, don’t click the button again and just refresh the page. It’ll show up then.
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#200 Offline Idontexist - Posted February 2 2022 - 8:24 AM


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Edited by Idontexist, February 2 2022 - 8:25 AM.

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