I kept them when I was a young teen. I would keep 2-3 at a time in a 10 gallon aquarium that had desert style landscape. I would feed them honey and water. Though if I was doing it again now, I'd just use sugar water or byFormica Sunburst ant nectar. I never kept them that long maybe a couple months at a time and then would let them go back into the wild and find new ones. I did that for a couple years. They're really fun to watch. If you give them a large enough space they are constantly running around and exploring and climbing all over the place. As far as stinging, I was never stung, and its not really a great hazard. They're fairly docile and have to be really provoked to get them to sting. Also its not like you should really be handling them anyways so if you get stung, you likely deserved it, lol.
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