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The Experimental Process of Creating Multispecies Ant Colonies

multispecies colony multispecies

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#61 Offline Chickalo - Posted January 19 2021 - 5:09 AM


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oof (i already did and started editing) i guess i can just keep this in my ever-growing space of photos and videos in which none are saving anymore due to storage

I believe they just asked you not to label it as the "definitive way to create multispecies colonies".
I would still make the video, I am interesting in seeing it.

This is a cool experiment. That 7 species Camponotus video is nutso.
No, it basically means that do not make it as a guide, he can still call it experimental to represent how it all happens, but not as a guide or instructional video to help others do that


yeah i was gonna do that explaining HOW its done and HOW it works (don't know why i capitalize how there) but say not to try it cause experimental and stuff, unless someone tells me to take it down ill keep it up, and it'll take a long time to work out the script and edit since i am extremely lazy, so who knows?  maybe by the time I'm finished we'll find out whether or not it actually works and if it doesnt thatll be a good portion of my life ill never get back >:D

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#62 Offline SleepyAsianAnter - Posted January 19 2021 - 8:33 AM


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oof (i already did and started editing) i guess i can just keep this in my ever-growing space of photos and videos in which none are saving anymore due to storage

I believe they just asked you not to label it as the "definitive way to create multispecies colonies".
I would still make the video, I am interesting in seeing it.

This is a cool experiment. That 7 species Camponotus video is nutso.
No, it basically means that do not make it as a guide, he can still call it experimental to represent how it all happens, but not as a guide or instructional video to help others do that


yeah i was gonna do that explaining HOW its done and HOW it works (don't know why i capitalize how there) but say not to try it cause experimental and stuff, unless someone tells me to take it down ill keep it up, and it'll take a long time to work out the script and edit since i am extremely lazy, so who knows?  maybe by the time I'm finished we'll find out whether or not it actually works and if it doesnt thatll be a good portion of my life ill never get back > :D


Maybe it's best for this video to be made by the people who actually spent months experimenting and sacrificed queens to collect data, not a relatively new antkeeper who has yet to seriously attempt such a feat. 

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#63 Offline AleeGuy - Posted January 19 2021 - 8:42 AM


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oof (i already did and started editing) i guess i can just keep this in my ever-growing space of photos and videos in which none are saving anymore due to storage

I believe they just asked you not to label it as the "definitive way to create multispecies colonies".
I would still make the video, I am interesting in seeing it.

This is a cool experiment. That 7 species Camponotus video is nutso.
No, it basically means that do not make it as a guide, he can still call it experimental to represent how it all happens, but not as a guide or instructional video to help others do that
yeah i was gonna do that explaining HOW its done and HOW it works (don't know why i capitalize how there) but say not to try it cause experimental and stuff, unless someone tells me to take it down ill keep it up, and it'll take a long time to work out the script and edit since i am extremely lazy, so who knows? maybe by the time I'm finished we'll find out whether or not it actually works and if it doesnt thatll be a good portion of my life ill never get back > :D
Maybe it's best for this video to be made by the people who actually spent months experimenting and sacrificed queens to collect data, not a relatively new antkeeper who has yet to seriously attempt such a feat.
Emm, Chickalo is pretty experienced lel, and he is one of the most active members in that server iirc, where they're making the experiment in
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#64 Offline Chickalo - Posted January 19 2021 - 8:53 AM


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oof (i already did and started editing) i guess i can just keep this in my ever-growing space of photos and videos in which none are saving anymore due to storage

I believe they just asked you not to label it as the "definitive way to create multispecies colonies".
I would still make the video, I am interesting in seeing it.

This is a cool experiment. That 7 species Camponotus video is nutso.
No, it basically means that do not make it as a guide, he can still call it experimental to represent how it all happens, but not as a guide or instructional video to help others do that


yeah i was gonna do that explaining HOW its done and HOW it works (don't know why i capitalize how there) but say not to try it cause experimental and stuff, unless someone tells me to take it down ill keep it up, and it'll take a long time to work out the script and edit since i am extremely lazy, so who knows?  maybe by the time I'm finished we'll find out whether or not it actually works and if it doesnt thatll be a good portion of my life ill never get back > :D


Maybe it's best for this video to be made by the people who actually spent months experimenting and sacrificed queens to collect data, not a relatively new antkeeper who has yet to seriously attempt such a feat. 


good point, but id like to say I'm intermediate-experienced on ants, I've already sacrificed ants to the research (tetramorium immigrans and myrmica), and I'm probably gonna try new species this year, but thanks for the concern

Edited by Chickalo, January 19 2021 - 8:54 AM.



#65 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted January 19 2021 - 9:13 AM


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They mean experienced as in people who have actually done the work and research on the experiment. Not someone who looked at this thread and started working on a video on how to do it when they are not the one who was initially part of the experiment. You should leave it up to the people who came up with the experiment and who were originally part of it to decide on whether or not to make a video.

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#66 Offline Amatty76 - Posted January 19 2021 - 8:36 PM


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i’m not experienced at all but chickalo definitely isn’t either

Edited by Amatty76, January 19 2021 - 8:37 PM.

#67 Offline CheetoLord02 - Posted January 19 2021 - 9:19 PM



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I feel I should add an update to this as well, my Pogonomyrmex x Camponotus colony failed, as the Pogonomyrmex queen died. It didn't seem to be from aggression, however, and may have been from the lack of care towards her after her worker was killed. I don't believe the Camponotus had attacked her in any way. I also attempted a similar combination with my other 4 worker P. occidentalis colony and my C. vicinus, however it did not work. I think I just didn't chill either colony for long enough beforehand. I'm thinking using founding queens is most likely the safest option, possibly later this year I may try another Camponotus species and a fully claustral Pogonomyrmex like barbatus or rugosus.

Edited by CheetoLord02, January 19 2021 - 9:20 PM.

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I like leafcutter ants. Watch The Ultimate Guide to Fungus Growing Ants:


This video took like over 100 hours of work, you should for sure watch it.

#68 Offline Miles - Posted January 19 2021 - 10:09 PM


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"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." -- Ian Malcom, Jurassic Park (1993).


The lack of discussion about the ethics of this project is alarming. As an entomologist, I'd encourage a dash more humility and reflection as people proceed down this path. That is not to say that I don't understand the excitement, or even some of the merit of the experiments. 

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#69 Offline Chickalo - Posted January 20 2021 - 5:36 AM


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i’m not experienced at all but chickalo definitely isn’t either

i don't mean experienced but like knowledgeable, you know?



#70 Offline AleeGuy - Posted January 20 2021 - 8:31 AM


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i’m not experienced at all but chickalo definitely isn’t either

i don't mean experienced but like knowledgeable, you know?
Even though you keep & kept ants and somewhat experienced with that(keeping them), doesn't mean you could perfectly recreate the experiment, to demonstrate how it happens. Maybe you can try to make the video by Cheebo, btone, etc. telling you what to do, and checking how correct you're doing it, but it is just easier for them to record it by themselves.

Edited by AleeGuy, January 20 2021 - 11:25 AM.

#71 Offline ANTdrew - Posted January 20 2021 - 8:35 AM


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Dunking queens in vinegar doesn't seem that ethical to me. I tend to agree with Miles here.

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#72 Offline Swirlysnowflake - Posted January 20 2021 - 8:38 AM


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i’m not experienced at all but chickalo definitely isn’t either

i don't mean experienced but like knowledgeable, you know?
Even though you keep ants and have somewhat experienced with just keeping ants doesn't mean you could perfectly recreate that, you can try to make by Cheebo, btone, etc. supervising but it is just easier for them making the video by themselves.


Btone lul

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#73 Offline Swirlysnowflake - Posted January 20 2021 - 8:40 AM


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Dunking queens in vinegar doesn't seem that ethical to me. I tend to agree with Miles here.

I agree as well. Especially when there is no real benefit to the ants here. It's all for us, the ant keepers, so I think the way we go about creating these multispecies colonies could be done with more thought for the ants.

Edited by Swirlysnowflake, January 20 2021 - 8:42 AM.

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#74 Offline Kaelwizard - Posted January 20 2021 - 8:48 AM


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"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." -- Ian Malcom, Jurassic Park (1993).

The lack of discussion about the ethics of this project is alarming. As an entomologist, I'd encourage a dash more humility and reflection as people proceed down this path. That is not to say that I don't understand the excitement, or even some of the merit of the experiments.

I was thinking the same thing but things like this tend to create some drama so I didn’t want to bring it up in case it spurred an argument.
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#75 Offline ZTYguy - Posted January 20 2021 - 9:13 AM


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"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." -- Ian Malcom, Jurassic Park (1993).

The lack of discussion about the ethics of this project is alarming. As an entomologist, I'd encourage a dash more humility and reflection as people proceed down this path. That is not to say that I don't understand the excitement, or even some of the merit of the experiments.

I was thinking the same thing but things like this tend to create some drama so I didn’t want to bring it up in case it spurred an argument.


And we're not working with gant prehistoric reptilian creatures.

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#76 Offline Chickalo - Posted January 20 2021 - 10:13 AM


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i’m not experienced at all but chickalo definitely isn’t either

i don't mean experienced but like knowledgeable, you know?
Even though you keep ants and have somewhat experienced with just keeping ants doesn't mean you could perfectly recreate that, you can try to make by Cheebo, btone, etc. supervising but it is just easier for them making the video by themselves.


Btone lul


gotta love the ol' b toned chord

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#77 Offline Chickalo - Posted January 20 2021 - 10:15 AM


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They mean experienced as in people who have actually done the work and research on the experiment. Not someone who looked at this thread and started working on a video on how to do it when they are not the one who was initially part of the experiment. You should leave it up to the people who came up with the experiment and who were originally part of it to decide on whether or not to make a video.

lol i definitely wouldv'e participated in the beginning if i saw the messages in discord



#78 Offline Chickalo - Posted January 20 2021 - 10:16 AM


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i’m not experienced at all but chickalo definitely isn’t either

i don't mean experienced but like knowledgeable, you know?
Even though you keep ants and somewhat experienced with just keeping ants doesn't mean you could perfectly recreate that, you can try to make by Cheebo, btone, etc. supervising but it is just easier for them making the video by themselves.


sorry, but could you re-write that or something cause that made no sense to me whatsoever 



#79 Offline AleeGuy - Posted January 20 2021 - 11:26 AM


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i’m not experienced at all but chickalo definitely isn’t either

i don't mean experienced but like knowledgeable, you know?
Even though you keep ants and somewhat experienced with just keeping ants doesn't mean you could perfectly recreate that, you can try to make by Cheebo, btone, etc. supervising but it is just easier for them making the video by themselves.
sorry, but could you re-write that or something cause that made no sense to me whatsoever

#80 Offline antsandmore - Posted January 20 2021 - 11:34 AM


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so... the reason we do these experiments is to see how ants might cooperate between different species, or even genus to have more workforce in the wild right? 

Ants I am keeping:

 none for now, planning on being more active this year

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