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UtahAnts' Formicariums and Outworlds

formicariums nest hobby lobby perfect cast wood plaster formicarium firebrick grout images diy

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#281 Offline AntsGodzilla - Posted September 19 2024 - 1:38 PM


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I made this "all in one" several months ago with Plaster of Paris, I like to call it "The Arch":

How hard was this to make?


And many Carnivorous plants such as: Dionea muscipula (fly trap), Sarracenia x 'Fiona' ( American Pitcher plant), Nepenthese ventrata (Tropical Pitcher plant), and Pinguicula agnata x emarginata (Butterwort) (show off your plants here)

Godzilla thread

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores it's provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. Proverbs 6: 6-8


#282 Offline UtahAnts - Posted September 19 2024 - 7:26 PM


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Not too hard, just used clay and poured the plaster over while holding the container at a 45 degree angle to get each hill. Then I went back and created the false bottom to secure everything.

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#283 Offline UtahAnts - Posted September 29 2024 - 2:25 PM


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Here's a custom formicarium based on a Tar Heels Ants Mini hearth for a Myrmecocystus mexicanus colony. This nest has an uneven floor to help the larvae spin their cocoons. 2 exit ports, and a rear water/air port allows this to be expandable. The outworld has small agate pebbles near the nest entrance as they would have in the wild.


IMG 3919


IMG 3925


IMG 3926

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#284 Offline ExponentMars - Posted September 29 2024 - 8:38 PM


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Here's a smaller 3 tiered formicarium based on the original for a customer's growing Tetramorium colony.


I haven't been pointing it out on the past few formicariums, but I've started implementing sunken water towers. The ants and larvae seem to appreciate it when the water tower is partially covered, especially around the edges. This does limit the effectiveness of the old "light under the water tower trick", but I think the tradeoff is worth it, espcially in horizontal formicariums where there isn't really a need for an external light source.


Did you do multiple pours for this nest, or is it just one pour? If you did multiple pours, what's the trick to making the layers look like they're one pour? 

Ants, gaming
Currently Keeping: 
Crematogaster sp., Camponotus Ca02, Tetramorium Immigrans
Acromyrmex, novos, Pogonomyrmex, Formica, and Lasius

#285 Offline cocdeshijie - Posted September 29 2024 - 9:21 PM


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Here's a smaller 3 tiered formicarium based on the original for a customer's growing Tetramorium colony.


I haven't been pointing it out on the past few formicariums, but I've started implementing sunken water towers. The ants and larvae seem to appreciate it when the water tower is partially covered, especially around the edges. This does limit the effectiveness of the old "light under the water tower trick", but I think the tradeoff is worth it, espcially in horizontal formicariums where there isn't really a need for an external light source.


Did you do multiple pours for this nest, or is it just one pour? If you did multiple pours, what's the trick to making the layers look like they're one pour? 



You can clearly see the line for 2 pours.

誰でも大好き!well.....except a few


cocdeshijie’s Formicarium Guides: https://cocdeshijie....cfe2df393b517f7

Ants API: https://ants-api.qwq.xyz/

#286 Offline UtahAnts - Posted September 30 2024 - 8:36 AM


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Yes 2 pours. Just pour the second layer soon after the first to get the best adhesion to the base layer. I also added a little wet sand to get the uneven texture.

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#287 Offline UtahAnts - Posted October 6 2024 - 5:49 PM


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Here's a Harvester ant nest, similar to the previous red sand/clay horizontal nests on this thread. It features two water towers, 2 exit ports, one temperature probe port, 2 heating cable indents on the underside, a 4x4 inch nest space, and a large outworld with an insert to replicate the mound the ants would build naturally.


The outworld can be finished by using sand, rocks and other decor. I've noticed that Pogonomyrmex occidentalis colonies I've kept in the past chew or defecate on the decor, so covering the floor of the outworld with loose sand that can be cleaned, and if need be replaced entirely, is useful. Not to mention natural behaviors like this one may be more noticeable. 


IMG 3947


IMG 3943


IMG 3950


IMG 3961

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#288 Offline UtahAnts - Posted November 5 2024 - 9:17 AM


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Here are some 4x4 inch nests, although the mold was about 5x4 inches, leading to thicker walls. Going from left to right below, the first nest was made for Camponotus vicinus, second is a harvester nest for P. rugosus. Third nest was meant for Tetramorium. And the fourth was designed with Pheidole in mind. Each nest features a water tower, light brown sand, and several tubing ports for nestmates and the outworld.


The larger nests are 5x7 inches. The adobe-chambered nest is for Pogonomyrmex rugosus. The chambers should create good humidity gradients for seed storage. The sand nest was designed for Camponotus vicinus, with large wide chambers. Each of these has two waters towers along with the outworld and nestmate tubing ports.



IMG 4029
IMG 4037


IMG 4046


IMG 4044


IMG 4046
I also made some more dual view nests for honeypots. I actually never got around to taking pictures of the builds, but the formicarium were essentially smaller versions of the dual-view shown below, this time with embedded wonderstone. The glass sheets were simply microscope slides which functioned nicely. The colonies did well in these, and I sold them off to local hobbyists.
Here's a link to a short video of one of the colonies.
As a side note the material in the base layer broke off around one corner of the water tower on each formicarium. This was unintentional but I found it made checking on the water levels very easy - something I might try to replicate in the future.
Single top chamber designs


IMG 4005


IMG 4004


IMG 4003
EDIT: added a link to video of the nests

Edited by UtahAnts, November 5 2024 - 9:21 AM.

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#289 Offline 1tsm3jack - Posted November 5 2024 - 9:38 AM


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Are these for sale?

#290 Offline UtahAnts - Posted November 5 2024 - 10:01 AM


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@1tsm3jack These were made to order, so they've already been sold.


I've been in the middle of a move and so this will likely be my last post for a while. For a bit of fun I decided to list some of my favorite builds over the years.


Grout Nest

These were more of a prototype but they actually worked. I housed harvests and Crematogaster in each of these. Were I to do it again, I'd definitely add a dedicated humidity system.

IMG 7762
Adobe coated chambered nest.
I've made a good amount of these but this first one lasted me for several years of use before I sold it! 
Flat Chambered Nest #1

Mini-wood nests. 

Loads of fun to make for carpenter ants.
IMG 8250
IMG 8242

Tiered Formicariums

Here's a few of my favorites. These were all inspired by THA. Unfortunately I was never able to use one myself, but I hope they functioned well.

IMG 8056

IMG 7258
THA Nucleus Type Nest


Split wood nest. 

I liked making wood nests, but this was the first that had a modular basing and connection system.

IMG 8422




LED formicarium

I've done LEDs a few times, but this one just worked out nicely.

IMG 0121



The Dome V3

One of my favorites, the 360 view of the repletes was pretty amazing. I still wish I had this colony, hope they are doing well.

IMG 0791
IMG 1669
ezgif.com Gif maker




Multi-view honeypot nest

This idea turned out way better than it should have. The lighting was amazing for contrast with the repletes and white sand. 

IMG 0746

Myrmecocystus mexicanus




Thanks for all your support over the years! I had some good fun and I learned a bunch along the way. I genuinely hope to see this forum thrive for many years to come! Until next time,



Edited by UtahAnts, November 5 2024 - 10:01 AM.

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#291 Offline ANTdrew - Posted November 5 2024 - 10:16 AM


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The third tiered formicarium is mine, and it still houses my Crematogaster mega colony, Queen Della.


Edited by ANTdrew, November 5 2024 - 10:18 AM.

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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#292 Offline Izzy - Posted November 5 2024 - 10:39 AM


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Glad to have one of the Dome formicarium as well! Such an iconic piece. Hopefully I'll have a big enough Myrmecocystus mimicus colony to move into it in the future.


Thanks for all the knowledge you've shared through the years regarding the ants in Utah and formicarium builds. It's been incredibly helpful! I'll definitely be coming back to this post often!

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#293 Offline AntsGodzilla - Posted November 5 2024 - 1:28 PM


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Someone needs to pin this thread just because of how awesome it is!

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And many Carnivorous plants such as: Dionea muscipula (fly trap), Sarracenia x 'Fiona' ( American Pitcher plant), Nepenthese ventrata (Tropical Pitcher plant), and Pinguicula agnata x emarginata (Butterwort) (show off your plants here)

Godzilla thread

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores it's provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. Proverbs 6: 6-8


#294 Offline 100lols - Posted November 15 2024 - 9:36 AM


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Inspirational as always! Thanks for sharing :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: formicariums, nest, hobby lobby perfect cast, wood, plaster, formicarium, firebrick, grout, images, diy

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