I made some simple cup formicariums to house all the honeypot colonies from this season. Conceptually, these cup formicariums have been around for a while, but I never got the chance to make them until recently. Considering the cost and how quickly these can be made, I would say these are some of the best designs you can make for young colonies of not only Myrmecocystus, but also other fast growing medium-large sized desert ants.
I'm sure there are many guides online, but I used large cups (around 5 inches high), rounded lids with hole cut into the tops, fine grain desert sand, and perfect cast. I started with less than one inch of sand for a water reservoir, but a piece of mesh on top, poured the perfect cast around the mesh - embedding it, layered sand on top and repeated; all the while making a column for the repletes/queen to climb along with entrance holes between each level.
Bonus size comparison of some of the honeypot nests featured on this thread. Generally I'll move a colony into something on the left, and as they grow move them into larger setups to the right.
This is another dual-view setup I recently made for a colony. It features a covered water tower, where water is injected into a sand reservoir beneath for humidity. The central chamber is extra small, allowing for a queen to be founded directly in the setup!