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Please stop rating everything 1 star

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50 replies to this topic

#41 Offline ANTdrew - Posted January 6 2021 - 7:28 AM


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Time to grow up, Vendayn.

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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#42 Offline Aaron567 - Posted January 6 2021 - 8:11 AM


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Just to be clear, I myself have never rated anyone's journals anything less than 5 stars because I simply do not care that much -- if I think the journal is low quality I just unfollow it and don't look at it. The only time I personally use the 1-star rating is on those topics about illegal trading that come up about once a month because they are repetitive and contain the same argument each time. My first message on this thread was to say that some other people do give some journals low ratings because they genuinely feel that it is not up to the quality that is expected on this forum, and that is completely different from going around indiscriminately giving everyone's journal one star because you're upset at what people think if your own journal. Regardless, the rating system doesn't really mean anything but this is just someone's attempt at creating drama. I know it's been going on for many months (if I remember correctly someone even rated my profile 1 star over a year ago) so I'm not sure who actually started it or if it's multiple people. For a while I just figured I was being trolled by people who know me.


The low ratings have never actually gotten to me though, and I encourage other people to also not be bothered by it. This has always been my mentality about it.

Edited by Aaron567, January 6 2021 - 8:16 AM.

  • AnthonyP163, Scherme, TennesseeAnts and 6 others like this

#43 Offline NickAnter - Posted January 6 2021 - 8:38 AM


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This thread has turned into complete idiocy. All over something so silly, and inconsequential as a star rating on an ant forum. Really rather ridiculous.


Listen to ANTdrew. You don't even have to be old to act with propriety, and with lack of insulting people over totally ridiculous and inconsequential things.

  • TennesseeAnts, ANTdrew and Swirlysnowflake like this

Hi there! I went on a 6 month or so hiatus, in part due, and in part cause of the death of my colonies. 

However, I went back to the Sierras, and restarted my collection, which is now as follows:

Aphaenogaster uinta, Camponotus vicinus, Camponotus modoc, Formica cf. aserva, Formica cf. micropthalma, Formica cf. manni, Formica subpolita, Formica cf. subaenescens, Lasius americanus, Manica invidia, Pogonomyrmex salinus, Pogonomyrmex sp. 1, Solenopsis validiuscula, & Solenopsis sp. 3 (new Sierra variant). 

#44 Offline Swirlysnowflake - Posted January 6 2021 - 8:42 AM


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I think we literally should just ignore the low ratings. Its obvious that Vendayn is not apologetic at all, and is not going to stop, and neither are the other people doing it (I honestly don't know how but less than 5 minutes after I posted a question it had already gotten 1 star.) It helps no one to argue like this. Just ignore it. 

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#45 Offline Vendayn - Posted January 6 2021 - 9:11 AM


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I think we literally should just ignore the low ratings. Its obvious that Vendayn is not apologetic at all, and is not going to stop, and neither are the other people doing it (I honestly don't know how but less than 5 minutes after I posted a question it had already gotten 1 star.) It helps no one to argue like this. Just ignore it. 

was it that feeder one for your salamander? I actually rated it 5 stars, since it be good info in that thread for other people with salamanders. Especially since wouldn't want someone to get one and just give it bad food and they starve




Also I have lots of other things I can do than go around for weeks and weeks spamming one star votes, so I'm just not doing that anymore. Kinda was a waste of time, and whoever else is doing it seems like they are probably wasting their time too. Think its probably only one other person, dunno who but either way don't really care anymore. Not like the stars matter anyway. Zeiss did say it was pretty immature that I went around and did that and poke you guys in an instigating way, and after sleeping on it, he is pretty much right. I'm just gonna go back to very rarely rating like I used to do (I actually in the past pretty much ignored stars completely except for the best topics), and topics that are actually good get stars even if they don't really matter.

Edited by Vendayn, January 6 2021 - 9:15 AM.

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#46 Offline Swirlysnowflake - Posted January 6 2021 - 9:18 AM


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I think we literally should just ignore the low ratings. Its obvious that Vendayn is not apologetic at all, and is not going to stop, and neither are the other people doing it (I honestly don't know how but less than 5 minutes after I posted a question it had already gotten 1 star.) It helps no one to argue like this. Just ignore it. 

was it that feeder one for your salamander? I actually rated it 5 stars, since it be good info in that thread for other people with salamanders. Especially since wouldn't want someone to get one and just give it bad food and they starve

Yeah, it was that one.

Well, thanks for the 5 stars lol

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#47 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted January 6 2021 - 9:29 AM


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I think we literally should just ignore the low ratings. Its obvious that Vendayn is not apologetic at all, and is not going to stop, and neither are the other people doing it (I honestly don't know how but less than 5 minutes after I posted a question it had already gotten 1 star.) It helps no one to argue like this. Just ignore it. 

was it that feeder one for your salamander? I actually rated it 5 stars, since it be good info in that thread for other people with salamanders. Especially since wouldn't want someone to get one and just give it bad food and they starve




Also I have lots of other things I can do than go around for weeks and weeks spamming one star votes, so I'm just not doing that anymore. Kinda was a waste of time, and whoever else is doing it seems like they are probably wasting their time too. Think its probably only one other person, dunno who but either way don't really care anymore. Not like the stars matter anyway. Zeiss did say it was pretty immature that I went around and did that and poke you guys in an instigating way, and after sleeping on it, he is pretty much right. I'm just gonna go back to very rarely rating like I used to do (I actually in the past pretty much ignored stars completely except for the best topics), and topics that are actually good get stars even if they don't really matter.


Whether or not you rated it one star or five stars, Its time to stop in general. If you don't like something don't look at it  :D  is what my mom used to tell me. But, if this thread goes on any longer I don't exactly know what will happen. There are always debates about nonsensical things on here which is a site meant for ants. Usually stuff like this ends somewhat peacefully but I think this thread sorta but a barrier between this community in a sense.

  • Swirlysnowflake and antsandmore like this
We don’t talk about that

#48 Offline antsandmore - Posted January 6 2021 - 9:36 AM


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I think we literally should just ignore the low ratings. Its obvious that Vendayn is not apologetic at all, and is not going to stop, and neither are the other people doing it (I honestly don't know how but less than 5 minutes after I posted a question it had already gotten 1 star.) It helps no one to argue like this. Just ignore it. 

was it that feeder one for your salamander? I actually rated it 5 stars, since it be good info in that thread for other people with salamanders. Especially since wouldn't want someone to get one and just give it bad food and they starve




Also I have lots of other things I can do than go around for weeks and weeks spamming one star votes, so I'm just not doing that anymore. Kinda was a waste of time, and whoever else is doing it seems like they are probably wasting their time too. Think its probably only one other person, dunno who but either way don't really care anymore. Not like the stars matter anyway. Zeiss did say it was pretty immature that I went around and did that and poke you guys in an instigating way, and after sleeping on it, he is pretty much right. I'm just gonna go back to very rarely rating like I used to do (I actually in the past pretty much ignored stars completely except for the best topics), and topics that are actually good get stars even if they don't really matter.


Whether or not you rated it one star or five stars, Its time to stop in general. If you don't like something don't look at it  :D  is what my mom used to tell me. But, if this thread goes on any longer I don't exactly know what will happen. There are always debates about nonsensical things on here which is a site meant for ants. Usually stuff like this ends somewhat peacefully but I think this thread sorta but a barrier between this community in a sense.


starting from this post, we will stop complaining and get over it.

  • AleeGuy likes this

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#49 Offline AleeGuy - Posted January 6 2021 - 10:01 AM


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Let's wrap this up.
• Vendayn stop downvoting for no reason .
• If you are feeling suspicious about someone's journal then just do a reverse image search and inform others in that thread if it is *really a fake* journal(doesn't mean you have to go crazy and start abusing the owner of the journal).
• Act like a grown up(doesn't mean you have to be an adult lel).
• Make content that actually makes sense.
• Reread the post you're sending and fix it(you say the same thing over and over again in one post).
• Respect other members as they respected you someday.
• Do not blame-shift if the conversation is only about you(like you say, "I'm not the only one doing that", like bruh we know that you are not Mr. Trouble here).
Good Luck, and I we hope you will fix those traits! If someone wants to add something then go ahead. And afterall, can this thread finally die? it is too cringe and not Formiculture related.

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#50 Offline AleeGuy - Posted January 6 2021 - 10:04 AM


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starting from this post, we will stop complaining and get over it.

Sorry mate

#51 Offline antsandmore - Posted January 6 2021 - 10:31 AM


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starting from this post, we will stop complaining and get over it.

Sorry mate


Your good, starting from This post we will finalize the complaining lol

  • Spazmops and AleeGuy like this

Ants I am keeping:

 none for now, planning on being more active this year

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