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Yellow Crazy Ants journal

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#1 Offline DIACAMMAWORLDCOOL - Posted January 3 2021 - 9:16 PM


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Hi y'all,

This journal will document my yellow crazy ants,my biggest colony yet with over 1000+ workers. They are a caught colony as this species does not conduct nuptial flight.They now have a queen, but had 3 before(2 now dead).Now living in a AAC nest.I have kept a small container full of sugar water which is now almost empty(I have to refill it :drinks: ) And feeding them roaches.I will upload pics in some time.

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#2 Offline DIACAMMAWORLDCOOL - Posted January 6 2021 - 6:53 PM


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Here is a video I made featuring my yellow crazy ants.




Edited by DIACAMMAWORLDCOOL, January 6 2021 - 6:55 PM.

#3 Offline DIACAMMAWORLDCOOL - Posted January 10 2021 - 7:08 PM


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Here are the pics of ants in their nest.
This is just half of the population.|

20210105 113801
20210105 113755
20210105 113745

#4 Offline Leo - Posted January 11 2021 - 3:02 AM


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Hi y'all,
This journal will document my yellow crazy ants,my biggest colony yet with over 1000+ workers. They are a caught colony as this species does not conduct nuptial flight.They now have a queen, but had 3 before(2 now dead).Now living in a AAC nest.I have kept a small container full of sugar water which is now almost empty(I have to refill it :drinks: ) And feeding them roaches.I will upload pics in some time.

I'm fairly certain they have nuptial flights occasionally.
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#5 Offline Manitobant - Posted January 11 2021 - 8:04 AM


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Ayy the man’s back!

#6 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted January 11 2021 - 8:11 AM


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Hi y'all,
This journal will document my yellow crazy ants,my biggest colony yet with over 1000+ workers. They are a caught colony as this species does not conduct nuptial flight.They now have a queen, but had 3 before(2 now dead).Now living in a AAC nest.I have kept a small container full of sugar water which is now almost empty(I have to refill it :drinks: ) And feeding them roaches.I will upload pics in some time.

I'm fairly certain they have nuptial flights occasionally.


They do, but it seems like larger colonies tend to prefer colony fission.

#7 Offline DIACAMMAWORLDCOOL - Posted January 19 2021 - 7:54 PM


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Hi y'all,
This journal will document my yellow crazy ants,my biggest colony yet with over 1000+ workers. They are a caught colony as this species does not conduct nuptial flight.They now have a queen, but had 3 before(2 now dead).Now living in a AAC nest.I have kept a small container full of sugar water which is now almost empty(I have to refill it :drinks: ) And feeding them roaches.I will upload pics in some time.

I'm fairly certain they have nuptial flights occasionally.


Maybe,I've seen alates outside .But colonies normally opt for colony fission.

#8 Offline DIACAMMAWORLDCOOL - Posted January 19 2021 - 8:02 PM


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Well I really can't understand this. The single queen of this colony is laying eggs...but none of the eggs are developing into larvae. None. Everyday I can see piles of eggs but no larvae. The pupae all have enclosed and now the colony isn't having new workers. In a much simpler way you could say that the colony is dying :*( . I am trying to find another queen but there aren't any big colonies near.

#9 Offline DIACAMMAWORLDCOOL - Posted January 24 2021 - 7:58 PM


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Well I really can't understand this. The single queen of this colony is laying eggs...but none of the eggs are developing into larvae. None. Everyday I can see piles of eggs but no larvae. The pupae all have enclosed and now the colony isn't having new workers. In a much simpler way you could say that the colony is dying :*( . I am trying to find another queen but there aren't any big colonies near.

ok to solve this problem I added three more queens into the setup.

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