Hi everyone, I have quite a few queens that I'm unsure of ID for, but can get by more or less since they're definitely claustral and they all love honey and insects. I would like to know others' thoughts on this queen though, since I'm not sure what kind of set up would suit her best?
1. Location of collection: Outer North-West Sydney, NSW, Australia
2. Date of collection: November 4th.
3. Habitat of collection: Caught in house albeit surrounding environment is temperate eucalyptus forest and grassland.
4. Length (from head to gaster): 11mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: glossy black with scarce scattered fine hairs, and a red-brown hue at the tips of her legs, antennae, mandibles and gaster.
6. Distinguishing characteristics: Relatively long, pointed gaster with a concentration of orange-ish hairs on the tip. Has spines on the inside of her leg joints. One petiole node (I might be mistaken since it's not visible from the sides and can only be distinguished from below, I've circled it in a photo).
7. Distinguishing behavior: Quite aggressive, sensitive to light and movement. Her feet can't grip smooth surfaces at all and she has trouble turning around in her test tube (If I can ID her I'll put appropriate substrate in). Her larvae are also quite active (their heads swivel in search for food).
I've attached the image files. Let me know if I should add anything else or if the images don't work