I did it. I found the worst ant video on youTube. I'm not going to link to it because it's so bad that I can't rule out the very real possibility that someone made it this bad just to bait people into watching it. But, let me give you a little taste of the horror.
The calamity starts with the title: "Most dangerous ant spice's[sic]"
The spelling error is bad enough, but also the whole concept is a little... gauche? Why is there this idea that the only thing that makes insects interesting is thinking about how much they could kill you? But-- even at this I could excuse it as just another boring top ten list... But, then ... well there is the list:
10. Harvester ant
9. Redwood ant (What did wood ants do to deserve this??)
8. Odorous house ant (lol what?)
7. Leafcutter ant
6. Argentine ant (is this a list of ants... most dangerous to other ants?)
5. Carpenter ant (YES every single one!)
4. African ant (You aren't even trying anymore.)
3. Red fire ant (Guess what the photo showed. GUESS.)
2. Bulldog ant
1. Bullet ant
List is hot mess.
I've decided making up something called an African ant then using a photo of a trapjaw probably racist ... somehow.
Carpenter ant??? That's like half of all ants! Here are the... photos... OMG.
I feel like they are just messing with us at this point.