1) I recently took my colonies off heat to get them ready for diapause. I noticed they start to take their eggs and larva everywhere as if they're searching for a heat source. They continue to be quite active even with heating removed. Would you guys keep the heat on all winter then (not hot but slightly warm)? I am from Southern California
2) I noticed a huge infestation/growth of booklice in one of my colony. I see a small pile of what looks like sand but its actually booklice larva wriggling about when I poke it. I understand booklice means no harm and are in fact beneficial to the colony as they eat waste and other organic matter (mold and fungus), but is there a point that you guys feel enough is enough and start to clear them out? if so, how do you guys clear them out?
3) At what point would you consider is the mini Hearth XL to be too small for a colony and the colony needs to be moved into a bigger formicarium? I have a colony of V. Pergandei in it, and right now its occupying about 75% of every space of the nest (floor, ceiling, walls). What would be the next tier in size? The Labyrinth?