Of course, I'm not the type to make a journal for every single colony I have. I'm already bad about updating most of the journals I have already. That said, I do want to start a new journal, but I'm extremely indecisive about what species I want to feature! So, it's up to you, FC, what species of mine do you want to see more of?
Here's a bit of insight about each colony/species, so you know a little more and can make a more "educated" decision.
Camponotus atriceps - Extremely fast growing ants from the subgenus Myrmothrix. A very close relative to C. floridanus.
Camponotus ocreatus - Rare southwestern Camponotus species. Huge, iconic majors, slow growth.
Dorymyrmex bicolor - Relatively common but rarely kept southwestern Dolichoderinae. Decent growth rate and nice coloration.
Solenopsis aurea - Golden fire ants; probably the rarest fire ant in North America. My colony has 4 queens.
Pogonomyrmex barbatus - The classic red harvesters that you all know and love.
If the poll ends up being a tie or very close I may make 2 journals about the most wanted species.
Edited by CheetoLord02, November 24 2020 - 5:36 AM.