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adding a gender option?

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#61 Offline dspdrew - Posted February 28 2021 - 1:34 AM

  • LocationSanta Ana, CA

hiii so i noticed that the gender options only include “male, female, or not telling” that doesn’t really represent some people who don’t align with male or female, so would it be possible to add another option as well? like “other”



Poking around in the settings, I just realized this is a simple change. "Other" has been added. :)

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#62 Offline BugFinder - Posted February 28 2021 - 8:19 AM


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I'm not trying to be rude but formiculture is not a political forum and never will be.

This isn't about politics. It was just a request from them for a new gender option, and you guys shut them down.



It is absolutely about politics ; It's Identity politics.  The extremeists on the left have been working to push their identitity politics into every aspect of our lives, now they are trying to force it into our ant keeping hobby.  We must resist this.  You can select none, you can describe yourself any way you want to in your bio - what you can not do is insist anyone else say something specific, do something specific, or reprogram a community bulletin board to suit your own personal preferences.    


Hopefully the answer will be, and will remain, no.

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#63 Offline BugFinder - Posted February 28 2021 - 8:23 AM


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Swirlysnowflake, on 12 Nov 2020 - 12:58 PM, said:snapback.png


MinigunL5, on 12 Nov 2020 - 12:56 PM, said:snapback.png

I put Attack Helicopter whenever it lets me put in my own gender.

that's not funny...





What is and is not funny is an opinion.   This is a political statement, used to combat the attempts of extremists on the left who are trying to re-engineer our society, using poliitcal pressure and appeals to emotion, against the will of the majority of the country.

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“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


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#64 Offline BugFinder - Posted February 28 2021 - 8:26 AM


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Well, no.  Generally the people who mock something like this are the kind that aren't sensitive about it.  I have my gender issues, but they're all internal.  I'm not hurt when someone uses the "wrong" pronoun for me.  Just like I'm not offended when someone makes fun of my weight.  I make jokes bout these things as well.  So when someone makes a comment about "attack helicopters", it tells me that they are likely not the sort to be offended by such things.  Usually it is people who see it as such a trivial thing - they don't care about your gender identity, its completely irrelevant to them and how they're going to treat you - that will make such jokes.


Like I said, the conversation does more to divide people than it does to bring inclusion.


I understand that perspective. From what I see in this thread though is people who are very resistant to having a discussion about adding gender options jump to "attack helicopters" and "get politics out of my ants!". If they truly were not sensitive and did not care, they would either a.) ignore the thread of or b.) remain civil and genuinely listen with empathy to the position of the people advocating for a change





There is nothing uncivil about using the same logic to point out how absurd someones claim is.  That is just another attempt to shut down dialogue, because  the only way the left can win this kind of discussion (by win, I mean have their agenda advanced) is by shutting down all dissent.

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“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


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#65 Offline BugFinder - Posted February 28 2021 - 8:28 AM


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Them, they.


That is not accurate.  Those pronouns are used for referring to more than one person.  Using them to refer to one person is illiterate.

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#66 Offline BugFinder - Posted February 28 2021 - 8:32 AM


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And this is what threads like this turn out as:



No, that's just what the left wants you to be afraid of.   Scenes like that result from people being afraid of the animals who would create scenes like that.  There is a reason why you see a lot of that kind of activity in Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco/Oakland, and not in Tampa, Dallas, or Tulsa.   It's because in some cities the law will be enforced and these animals will be prosecuted and sent to prison, and in other cities these animals will be accomodated and enabled.


don't be afraid of the terrorism of the left and there will be less of it.   Allow their terrorism to dictate your actions, your behavior and your speach and there will be a lot more of it.

  • TacticalHandleGaming, NancyZamora4991 and Jonathan5608 like this
“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


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#67 Offline ANTdrew - Posted February 28 2021 - 8:35 AM


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Here we go again.
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