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AAK discord, their leaders and their rules

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128 replies to this topic

#121 Offline DDD101DDD - Posted November 28 2020 - 11:19 AM


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I feel quite offended,as a Chinese person, I hope I am considered a human being and not a "infiltrator" ☹️

Leo, now I know why you are here! Spying on us to develop a new super invasive ant colony that will bring down the Western Capitalistic Society!!!

I only hope these infiltrators will someday get a promotion to monitor more interesting American content for example on pornhub.

just lock the thread drew

Drew, please ban him from the forum he is just a troll



It's pretty obvious saying that isn't going to work. Even if the thread did die then people would just start another thread in a few weeks or months.

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He travels, he seeks the p a r m e s a n.

#122 Offline Vendayn - Posted November 28 2020 - 11:21 AM


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I feel quite offended,as a Chinese person, I hope I am considered a human being and not a "infiltrator" ☹️

Leo, now I know why you are here! Spying on us to develop a new super invasive ant colony that will bring down the Western Capitalistic Society!!!

I only hope these infiltrators will someday get a promotion to monitor more interesting American content for example on pornhub.

just lock the thread drew

Drew, please ban him from the forum he is just a troll



It's pretty obvious saying that isn't going to work. Even if the thread did die then people would just start another thread in a few weeks or months.


they are free to not come to the thread if they hate it so much. At this point they are just trolling

Edited by Vendayn, November 28 2020 - 11:23 AM.

#123 Offline Manitobant - Posted November 28 2020 - 11:38 AM


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I do think barri has a good point about aak and i hate that server as well, but this is getting too far.
  • MinigunL5 and Antkeeper01 like this

#124 Offline M_Ants - Posted November 28 2020 - 11:47 AM


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I feel quite offended,as a Chinese person, I hope I am considered a human being and not a "infiltrator" ☹️

Leo, now I know why you are here! Spying on us to develop a new super invasive ant colony that will bring down the Western Capitalistic Society!!!

I only hope these infiltrators will someday get a promotion to monitor more interesting American content for example on pornhub.

just lock the thread drew

Drew, please ban him from the forum he is just a troll



It's pretty obvious saying that isn't going to work. Even if the thread did die then people would just start another thread in a few weeks or months.


Just happened. 

Veromessor pergandei

Veromessor andrei

Crematogaster sp. 

Pogonomyrmex cf cali and rugosus

Various Pheidole

C. yogi 


#125 Offline Swirlysnowflake - Posted November 28 2020 - 2:10 PM


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It's pretty obvious saying that isn't going to work. Even if the thread did die then people would just start another thread in a few weeks or months.

Just happened. 

The other thread is about a different topic. still related to the discord, but not the exact same as this one i guess

 My YouTube channel :)



#126 Offline Tyr_Ants - Posted November 28 2020 - 3:32 PM


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In my opinion I think both sides are flawd
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Ant Shop: (restocking soon) https://www.formicul...op/#entry195574  (y)  

#127 Offline Barristan - Posted November 30 2020 - 1:26 AM


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In my opinion I think both sides are flawd


That was my statement on the US election lol, but hey do I want to get other users banned (I hope you don't refer to my sarcastic statement I made)

#128 Offline Antkeeper01 - Posted November 30 2020 - 8:47 AM


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1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers

1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)

Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.


My Youtube channel: https://www.youtube....kUjx-dPFMyVqOLw


 Join Our Fledgling Discord Server https://discord.com/...089056687423489

#129 Offline Tyr_Ants - Posted November 30 2020 - 12:19 PM


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I found this secretly taken photo from last AAK mod meeting:


Ant Shop: (restocking soon) https://www.formicul...op/#entry195574  (y)  

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