I have these in a set up with a couple isopods it is a very small red and tan spider which is cool and I have a male and female that i'm waiting for them to mate.
Silver agouti guinea pig
My baby! a cute little guinea pig with silver hairs mixed with black and white.
Tan agouti guinea pig.
This one is so mean and spoiled and she won't ever let me hold her for more than 2 minutes.
A fat boy.
I think this explains itself ill get pictures soon.
Not actual pet I have just someone else's.

A. avicularia A cute little Actually pretty big tarantula which i named amazon which is around where she comes from, she about 6 inches stretched out and is moody but harmless and i've held her more than once, she loves munching on crickets. Ill get pictures for everything else soon.

This is what I mean by fat boy

Some random pics I took at a nature center.

Edited by KitsAntVa, October 26 2020 - 10:05 AM.