I got this colony at the same time as my Atta colony, so if you don't know the full story, you can just read that journal for a better idea of what happened: https://www.formicul...na/#entry166911
Either way, this queen, 2 pupae, 6 larvae, and 3 eggs came to me on 10/14, along with a few other colonies. The first worker eclosed the next day, and the queen laid more eggs. A few days later they got another pupa, but it's cocoon was structured with literal garbage, and it shortly died. A few days later the test tube slightly flooded, killing the other pupa. I moved them into a new test tube, and since then everything has been a lot better. They have a new pupa again, and the queen has laid a bunch more eggs! The worker is just about fully hardened up now as well. I feed this colony almost exclusively fruit flies, as watching them hunt is a ton of fun and it gets them more inclined to eat. They really just don't react the same way to prekilled food.

So far nothing extremely significant has happened (other than the test tube flood), but they're still just a really cool species that I'm excited to watch grow! I know they tend to be slow growers, but hopefully enough powerfeeding will get them going pretty quick. Here's a video of when the first worker eclosed and the queen absolutely destroying a fruit fly:
Edited by CheetoLord02, August 4 2021 - 10:47 AM.