Update 11/23
So a couple interesting things have happened since last update. The first being that the colony is getting... large. I'd estimate they've got at least 250 workers now. Unfortunately, despite being vegetarians, they're also very aggressive. So much so that I pretty much can't open the lid anymore. I did so to water the setup and proceeded to have several dozen angry Atta charge to the top, biting me and preventing me from putting the lid back on. It was... an ordeal. So now, to solve this, I'm feeding them like crazy so that they'll need a new nest sooner, and when I make it I'll be sure to design it in a way where I can hydrate it without having to open the lid at all.

On another note, 2ish days ago I was talking with some friends on Discord, and they told me that apparently Atta will eat orange peels. Well, I have an orange tree in my backyard, so to me this was amazing news... if it was true. I decided to test it out and well, I can't exactly speak for the peel... but the Atta seemed to like the fruit itself!

They would cut up the individual... fibers? Whatever the meat of the orange is... and drink the juices before mincing it and putting it on the fungus. A bit to my surprise, the fungus seems to have no problem digesting it, and so far pretty much all of the meat from that slice is now gone. It's clearly not their favorite food, but the fact that they'll take it is awesome considering I have access to it straight from my backyard.
As for the fungus itself, it's getting hard to notice growth each day, but as soon as I come back here I realize it's still going really strong! It's currently 2.5" wide, 2.5" tall, and around 1.25" deep. It's hard to tell in photos but it really has gotten seriously large! It's to the point where it's larger than it was when it was shipped to me. The fact that they were completely able to recover and surpass their previous size in only a month is totally awesome!

So far the experiments where I split off small pieces of fungus have proved... uninteresting. They do feed the smaller groups of fungus, but they don't really grow them. It's clear all of the focus is still on the main mass of fungus. Of course, they only have around half an inch of vertical space left before hitting the top of the container, so hopefully once they reach the lid that they'll really start working on growing it outwards.

Seeing fresh green plant material speckled across the fungus is still my absolute favorite. I will never get sick of it.
Edited by CheetoLord02, November 23 2020 - 12:33 AM.