Update 10/29
Until now I've been mostly focusing on the growth of this colony's fungus, but I'd also like to draw attention to the actual ants themselves here. First of all, their brood is about to go pretty crazy. The queen has definitely been busy, and there are at least a few dozen newly hatched larvae seated right inside one of the fungus chambers. I was just barely able to get a glance of them here:

Another part of the colony that's easily overlooked is the tiniest of the tiny workers, known as minims. These tiny workers are able to get around basically anywhere, through all the intricate architecture of the fungus, around the legs of other workers, everything. I often time see them clinging to various parts of the queen, cleaning her. One time a minim tried getting on the queen's head and got kicked off by her. She got flung probably at least a centimeter across the nest!
Typically these workers are hard to spot, because they mostly sit among the brood, tending to it. However when they do come out to clean the other members of the colony, it's so incredibly cute! It'll be crazy to see the size difference between these guys and the massive soldiers that they'll eventually get. Even now seeing them against the queen is absolutely hilarious. They're only around the size of her foot!

Of course, this entry wouldn't be complete without some updates for the fungus garden. It's still doing really well, and growing more and more every day. Now that it's finally to a respectable size, the growth will be less noticeable day by day, but even over a relatively short period of time it'll continue to grow at an amazing rate. Even looking back to the original video I took the fungus is significantly larger and even appears to be healthier!
Edited by CheetoLord02, March 11 2021 - 3:18 PM.