If that soldier decided to take one "gentle" bite at the little on, that worker would be no more.
Edited by azzaaazzzz00, June 15 2021 - 6:24 AM.
If that soldier decided to take one "gentle" bite at the little on, that worker would be no more.
Edited by azzaaazzzz00, June 15 2021 - 6:24 AM.
Now that's some serious polymorphism.
Nylanderia parvula - 4 queen polygynous colony with larvae + devoloping workers
Camponotus pennsylvanicus - 1 queen with 2 cocoons, and a few larvae and eggs
Tetramorium immigrans - 3 colonies, first nanetics!
Formica pallidifulva - 1 queen, 8-10 eggs
Tetramorium atratulum - 1 queen with roughly 17 host workers
Pheidole pilifera - 1 queen! recently caught!
Solenopsis Molesta - 2 queens so far, polygenous set-up
My Ant Journal - yibsi’s Wonderful Ant Keeping Journal 5-22-21 - Ant Keeping Journals - Ants & Myrmecology Forum (formiculture.com)
My T. Atratulum Journal - https://www.formicul...ontinued/page-2
Colony is doing amazing as always. I'd say I've probably got over 20 of the large soldiers now. So many that they even had a big gathering on one spot of the fungus. Not exactly sure why, but it was pretty cool.
They're also just doing amazing in general. Fungus is continuing to grow really nicely in all the chambers, and honestly they're probably looking to expand to a new one soon. Not exactly sure how I'd make that work.
I like leafcutter ants. Watch The Ultimate Guide to Fungus Growing Ants:
This video took like over 100 hours of work, you should for sure watch it.
Look at them go!
Ants are Pets, not Pests.
-Camponotus sansabeanus
-Camponotus US-CA02
-Camponotus vicinus
-Formica podzolica
-Monomorium spp.
-Pogonomyrmex californicus
-Solenopsis spp.
This is so rad. I'm going to have to start powerfeeding my trachy's... HAHAHA, not that they'll get anywhere near this large but still...
I think I need to move to Arizona.
Not sure if I mentioned it ever, but I went out of town for 3 weeks and just got back a few days ago. Since then I've been BUSY.
First of all, when I got back the colony was behaving extremely strangely. They weren't growing their fungus, they had dead fungus in their nest chambers, they had brood in the outworld, it was just a disaster. And no, that's not a joke, it was seriously messed up. I pretty much immediately recognized the issue; they need more space. Just look at this cramped setup:
I immediately got to work. Step one was to simply add more nest chambers; lots of them. Let's say, 3.
Done. 3 brand new nest chambers.
But I wasn't satisfied, and neither were they. They had immediately started moving fungus over, but still needed more.
Well how about another outworld... attached with a vine bridge.
Now that's an Atta setup.
The ants love it too, and have since stopped acting weird. Brood back in the nest, trash in trash chambers, fungus growing like normal. All has been restored in Atta city.
Here's a better look at the place. I can't stop smiling every time I see it, it's quite literally my dream ant setup. Hope you all like it just as much as I do.
I like leafcutter ants. Watch The Ultimate Guide to Fungus Growing Ants:
This video took like over 100 hours of work, you should for sure watch it.
Dude, this is so freakin awesome... Like... I'm completely stunned at this new setup. Also stunned they absolutely FILLED that one chamber with fungus. Sheesh. These busy gals look like they immediately took to their new setup. Excellent job.
Edited by Antkeeper_21, July 20 2021 - 2:49 PM.
its legal to keep atta there though. Why don’t you?I can't believe that once a tiny, vulnerable, weak colony changed into a 'super colony' in just half a year. Cheeto, to be honest with you, I wanted to keep Atta as well but in the UK :sad:. So no vegetarian ants for me then. Long live the 'Fungi Kingdom'
And it's expensive, even a complete 'checklist' of A.C products cost around £200 maybe more with delivery
Honestly I doubt any antscanada products are suited for Atta, a setup like the one shown in this journal is perfectly fine and far cheaper. The ants themselves can get quite expensive though(to my knowledge)
He travels, he seeks the p a r m e s a n.
No offense but if you considered using AntsCanada products for Atta you probably aren’t ready for them.And it's expensive, even a complete 'checklist' of A.C products cost around £200 maybe more with delivery
I wonder if you found a proper pot (even a bin) for a potted ficus tree could you watch them go over there and climb up it and decimate the leaves... THAT would be cool to watch. Not sure how expensive ficus are by you but if they just climb that vine and don't fall off to escape, having an outworld with an actual tree in it could be TOTALLY RAD. Of course a thick layer of gravel at the top of the pot would be required but man it would be cool to see them take on an entire 'tree"
its legal to keep atta there though. Why don’t you?I can't believe that once a tiny, vulnerable, weak colony changed into a 'super colony' in just half a year. Cheeto, to be honest with you, I wanted to keep Atta as well but in the UK :sad:. So no vegetarian ants for me then. Long live the 'Fungi Kingdom'
As another European, I'd want to say that offers to get an Atta are few in Europe and generally very costly (along with the fact no person will ship them to you so you have to pick them up yourself).
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