Later I found a wild blackberry plant I liked out in the forest and took it home in a pot. I still hadn't actually planted anything yet, because this small tank was only meant to be temporary. I also found a brown Baja California Tree Frog which I decided to add to the tank too. I modified the bottom of the fountain so that it now picks the water up from the bottom of the tank instead of its little water reservoir.

Here's one of the California Tree Frogs having a cricket for dinner.
Later in the spring I found tons of Baja California Tree Frog eggs and tadpoles down at some little nature preserve close to where I live.
I took home some of the eggs and put them in a container. A little later I had tons of little tadpoles.

I later moved them into a really small fish tank with a rock for them climb on once they grow legs. I put some underwater plants and algae in there which they ate up real quick.

I kept feeding them plants and algae until I started getting frogs. Eventually I let them all go but just one brown and one green one which I kept.
Here's a picture of the little green baby.

I got rid of the fountain, and got a filtered water pump for the tank. I changed the rocks around to make a nice little pond with a bank on each side. I also found some ferns from the forest, and some Pennywort from down near the back bay and added them too.

I still have everything inside this little tank, but I am planning to build the more permanent vivarium very soon. Most of the plants I had in there died by now. I did add one new plant I recently found, and I still have a few more wild blackberry plants on my porch that are still alive and well.
The froggies love the new moss covered rock I found; they sit on top of it all day long now.