Actually i found one here it is It looks just like these except the orange band is a pinkish orange one but more pink and softer colored than that.
Edited by KitsAntVa, November 5 2020 - 5:22 AM.
Actually i found one here it is It looks just like these except the orange band is a pinkish orange one but more pink and softer colored than that.
images (32).jpeg
That's a European Trachelipus species. I don't know of any isopod in the entirety of the US that fit's that description, gonna need photos.
What isopods? And I doubt we can get an ID on a mushroom like that, but you may have some trouble feeding feather millipedes. Make sure to have a plentiful source of food fungus beforehand.
I'm pretty sure the isopods are the powder blue and orange
and i was under the impression that the feathers millipedes at rotten wood... do they not?
I've had them for 6-7 months now... they have been in a deli cup with rotten wood and eco earth. there were actually babies, like a ton of them, but they literally all disappeared
I'm assuming you're referring to Brachycibe or another adrognathid when you say feather millipedes. In that case no, they only eat certain wood growing fungi.
yes brachycibe
which funguses do they need?
and in my separated isopod culture, there are small red mites converging in the side of the deli cup. maybe 1-2 mm long, deep red, and spherical. are they harmful? would it be worthwhile to try and culture them as well? lol
Mites would be nice to culture, likely oribatidae, which are feeders on dead things and plants/fungi. And for the Brachys I'd just try feeding them various bracket fungi or very flat patches of fungus you can scrape off of wood, I'm currently trying to culture a food fungus.
i found a little (actually quit large) spider today. looked like a incredibly malnourished adult female steatoda grossa
i caught her in a deli cup and fed her some dubia roach guts and gave her some water
and then set her on her way (into my yard )
Edited by Swirlysnowflake, November 11 2020 - 5:24 PM.
i wonder why this thread has only 4 stars... hmmmm lol
but the marine snail tank thing had mold growing on the water (like on the water surface i don't even know how that happens). it was really gross and smelled disgusting so i went back to area i caught the snails, scooped them out, and released them
Edited by Swirlysnowflake, November 11 2020 - 7:12 PM.
another update without pics
went anting/wasping (?) and found a bumblebee queen that I chased after with this large green net for 20 minutes while passerby stared at me like i’m insane
the bee flew away
i found three milk snails (otala lactea) and put them in a deli cup with some hay like grass where i found them
they were in estivation but came out right after i sprayed the cup, so i fed them some carrots
they are honestly so adorable with their googly eyes
i’m going to set up a terrarium for them today, hopefully i can breed them
i actually will get pics this time (hopefully)
another update without pics
went anting/wasping (?) and found a bumblebee queen that I chased after with this large green net for 20 minutes while passerby stared at me like i’m insane
the bee flew away
i found three milk snails (otala lactea) and put them in a deli cup with some hay like grass where i found them
they were in estivation but came out right after i sprayed the cup, so i fed them some carrots
they are honestly so adorable with their googly eyes
i’m going to set up a terrarium for them today, hopefully i can breed them
i actually will get pics this time (hopefully)
who here hasn't seen passerbys stare at them like they're insane?
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8
My Ant Shop Here I have PPQ-526 permits to ship ants nationwide
Attention Ant-Keepers in South Dakota! Join the SoDak(Society Of Dakotan Ant Keepers)
Me actually everyone I’ve seen that has seen me murdering logs and centipedes to find camponotus brood look at me like I’m a normal kid. With an interesting hobby of course.
define interesting
these are the three snails, in their terrarium. it is a bit small, but it is the largest thing that i had on hand. hopefully i can get something larger for them.
Googly eyes
these snails are adorable ùwú
btw the white dish thing has calcium powder because i read that they need calcium for their shells
The fishing spider passed away. It was most likely the end of its lifespan because I’m pretty sure the seller who I bought it from wild caught it. Other than that sad news, nothing much else has happened.
I noticed something pretty cool though. The isopods play dead when disturbed. I was sure that I had killed the whole colony because they were all lying on their backs with their legs tucked in. I guess it’s like the equivalent of Armadilliium curling up.
Edited by Swirlysnowflake, December 30 2020 - 10:41 AM.
The fishing spider passed away. It was most likely the end of its lifespan because I’m pretty sure the seller who I bought it from wild caught it. Other than that sad news, nothing much else has happened.
I noticed something pretty cool though. The isopods play dead when disturbed. I was sure that I had killed the whole colony because they were all lying on their backs with their legs tucked in. I guess it’s like the equivalent of Armadilliium curling up.
My condolences for the spider. I bought a huntsman spider and I believe it was also wild caught and died.
Well, another update. Everything is doing well. The millipedes have more babies
I went to this forest place and collected some wood and moss and stuck it into a terrarium. Turns out there was a salamander hiding in the moss that I literally didn’t notice. (Along with 2 harvestman, a weird cricket thing, and a ton of other inverts) It’s a California slender salamander (I've kept this species before). I’m going to release it when I go back to the forest because I don’t really want a salamander lol. It is very cute though.
My eastern red back salamander died sadly. I just couldn’t keep the enclosure moist enough.
Oh no...
A trick for keeping the enclosure moist is to lay a piece of foil on top of the tank (assuming the vents are at the top). This holds in humility very well.
This worked for my crested gecko but she died because her leg broke and got infected, despite being on antibiotics.
How sad. Thanks for the tip though.Oh no...
My eastern red back salamander died sadly. I just couldn’t keep the enclosure moist enough.
A trick for keeping the enclosure moist is to lay a piece of foil on top of the tank (assuming the vents are at the top). This holds in humility very well.
This worked for my crested gecko but she died because her leg broke and got infected, despite being on antibiotics.
Well, not much to update with these inverts. Isopods are breeding crazy fast, millipedes are too. Everything is doing pretty well.
Not about inverts, but I’m going to go pick up my leopard gecko in 1 hour I can’t wait. Pictures coming when I get it
I went anting, found a queen bumblebee, caught it in a net, and when I was trying to get it into a deli it escaped
Anyways, all the other inverts are doing good. Isopod populations are booming, which is great. I also caught some interesting springtails, much larger than the ones I normally see. I'll try to get pictures sometime
Edited by Swirlysnowflake, May 9 2021 - 8:21 AM.
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