So I got given a Camponotus Barbaricus Queen way back in May for my birthday and sadly upon arrival only her and one worker made it.
About a month later she had eater any eggs she had and sadly the worker perished (I am not sure why sadly)
Since then I have been reading up more and more on here and AC forum and gotten help and advice on both sites, after taking on the advice and 3 months further down the line I am happy to announce when I went to bed I checked and seen she had 2 workers eclosed, they are small, but beautiful. I am proud of this queen! Tomorrow I will need to check on them and feed them something as I was honestly expecting it to be another few weeks until they eclosed since they only cocooned not even 3 weeks ago, and one of them didn't even bother to cocoon themselves, just appeared at some point.
So she made it!!!