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AntsAlberta's Journal (Species named in each post)

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#1 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 8 2020 - 8:18 AM



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Hello everyone,


Newbie here, Soon the gals shall be moving to hibernation(1-2 weeks) for 3-4 months. Have 5 Myrmica Rubra queens on the way, caught in canada by canada ant colony. (Invasive species from Europe I believe). I also have my most active colony on twitch stream.... cause why not?(they are not too active, tiny colony) lol gotta use that college webcam for something.


Formica CF Argentea, 1 queen 10-15 workers

These gals are super skittish. Any bumping of the table and they evacuate home and any at home will run to the entrance then run back in.

Had them for 2 weeks now, been giving mashed up meal worms, tiny bits of honey water and tiny mashed up fruits on tinfoil. They also were given some dirt which they used to cover the entire floor of their AC 4 tube connector. They do not have any brood, in prep for hibernation I assume.


Camponotus Hercleanus,  1 queen 5-10 workers, 5-10 brood


These gals are very quite and laid back, don't panic if I slip back their sleeve. They have taken little wood chunks and closed off their entrance. Will actively take mealworms into their tube rather than eat in the AC tube connector. They seemed to love mashed strawberry, and also been giving them little bits of honey water.

They have about 7-10 eggs. Not sure the exact terminology, they have gone from newly round to rice. 

Attached Images

  • Compo Herc.JPG
  • Argentea.JPG

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#2 Offline Ants_Dakota - Posted October 8 2020 - 8:29 AM


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welcome to formiculture! awesome formica, they are one of my favorite species!

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Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8

My Ant Shop Here I have PPQ-526 permits to ship ants nationwide

Attention Ant-Keepers in South Dakota! Join the SoDak(Society Of Dakotan Ant Keepers)

My Formica sp. Journal

My Lasius sp. Journal

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#3 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 8 2020 - 8:40 AM



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You can see the active colony on https://www.twitch.tv/antsalberta

I will have a game playing on the side usually. and the ants take the commenter position. its silent and i will try to have it up most of each day. So i can save my videos of the ants on twitch rather than my harddrive.

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#4 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 8 2020 - 9:41 AM



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welcome to formiculture! awesome formica, they are one of my favorite species!

Thanks a bunch!, I'm wolfykins on the discord server ant keeping server.

They are really cool to watch but I'm scared I'm stressing them to much.

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#5 Offline TechAnt - Posted October 8 2020 - 9:45 AM


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Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your time here. Nice ant collection!

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My Ants:
(x1) Campontous semitstaceus ~20 workers, 1 Queen
(x1) Camponotus vicinus ~10 workers, 1 Queen (all black variety)
(x1) Tetramorium immigrans ~100 workers, 1 Queen
(x1) Myrmercocystus mexicanus -1 Queen
(x2) Mymercocystus mimcus -1 Queen
(x1) Mymercocystus testaceus ~45 workers, 1 Queen

#6 Offline Ants_Dakota - Posted October 9 2020 - 6:58 AM


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welcome to formiculture! awesome formica, they are one of my favorite species!

Thanks a bunch!, I'm wolfykins on the discord server ant keeping server.

They are really cool to watch but I'm scared I'm stressing them to much.


ah yes, i remember! i wish i was on discord more often, but it is blocked on my computer  :(

  • AntsAlberta likes this

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. -Proverbs 6: 6-8

My Ant Shop Here I have PPQ-526 permits to ship ants nationwide

Attention Ant-Keepers in South Dakota! Join the SoDak(Society Of Dakotan Ant Keepers)

My Formica sp. Journal

My Lasius sp. Journal

My Micro Ants Journal

#7 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 10 2020 - 7:43 AM



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Happy Saturday!


Formica CF Argentea, 1 queen 10-15 workers


Every morning they will send 2-6 workers out to the entrance. They seem to have these bursts of activity at certain points of the day. 

This colony can be seen on https://www.twitch.tv/antsalberta if you want to watch a colony meander around.


Camponotus Hercleanus,  1 queen 5-10 workers, 5-10 brood


These gals are super lowkey, ready for hibernation, which ill be initiating once we get the European fire ants "Myrmica Rubra"

The brood are becoming slightly yellowish. Tons of honey? or prep for hibernation.

Edited by AntsAlberta, October 13 2020 - 9:43 AM.

#8 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 24 2020 - 1:17 PM



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Hello Everyone! Happy Saturday!
Currently the Forimca CF Argentea are in hibernation, temp has been going down and will reach a 5-7C range. Will take them out january 16th
Same goes with our Camponotus Hercleanus. Will take them out February 16th

Not sure why it keeps getting flipped to this direction.




Myrmica Rubra, European Fire ant. 5 Queens 30 workers

This colony is gonna attempt a non hibernating winter. Was told they sometimes decide to keep laying eggs. So ill see if I can encourage that.

They had a long trip in the mail from our legal canadian dealer due to amazon prime day and holidays. So 21 workers died off from stress, now they are doing great! Except the fact they love to cover any sugar water or liquid with dirt. have literally drained caps of sugar water with dirt drains. Even clogged the feeder i got lol.

Usually have a youtube live stream going of them. 



Working on getting a decent camera for better pics and videos. Also a microscope for the deadlings.






Edited by AntsAlberta, October 24 2020 - 4:48 PM.

#9 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted October 24 2020 - 3:22 PM


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Canada ant colony is a good website to buy from and they have good ants. I hope each of these does good and can’t wait to see how the myrmicas progress because those ones you have are calm but brutal.
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#10 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 25 2020 - 12:14 PM



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Gave the Myrmica Rubra a living but injured baby cricket. they immediately paralyzed it and brought it into their queens test tube. Now its being swarmed and torn apart by ants. So neat! Any pictures i tried to take with my phone came out bad. But they are really taking it apart fast. within 15 minutes it has no extremities i can see. just a white blob

#11 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted October 25 2020 - 1:07 PM


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What did I tell you when I said these were brutal :/ I’ve honestly never heard of them destroy it so quick.
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#12 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 25 2020 - 1:11 PM



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What did I tell you when I said these were brutal :/ I’ve honestly never heard of them destroy it so quick.

Ah its fantastic, love that kind of swarm response.

#13 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted October 25 2020 - 1:13 PM


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Yes it’s pleasing to watch especially with a good sized or vicious colony. Like myrmica or pogonomrymex.
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#14 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 26 2020 - 7:29 AM



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Myrmica Rubra

Another thing I noticed about these gals is they are CONSTANTLY cleaning each other. If they aren't cleaning their stingers or walking around they are licking each other.

Seen a few workers carrying other living workers out of the nest too, strange. As soon as they were set down they tried to simply go back to the nest.

Edited by AntsAlberta, October 26 2020 - 7:30 AM.

#15 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted October 26 2020 - 7:32 AM


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I don't know why they are just taking them out the nest and dropping them, try feeding them and see what happens maybe they are hungry and want workers to go forage. They carry each basically as forms of transportation they do this is some species.

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#16 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 26 2020 - 7:42 AM



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There's plenty of carbs in the outworld. Still munching on the three baby crickets they dragged into the nest yesterday. 

I find that awesome, "hey come grab me and carry me to the entrance, thanks". ANT LIFE

Edited by AntsAlberta, October 26 2020 - 7:44 AM.

#17 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted October 26 2020 - 7:44 AM


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hmm no idea then maybe give them something more huntable, like fruit flies or something of that nature, they like to explore so how many do you see in the outworld at once?

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#18 Offline AntsAlberta - Posted October 26 2020 - 7:48 AM



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hmm no idea then maybe give them something more huntable, like fruit flies or something of that nature, they like to explore so how many do you see in the outworld at once?

Depends on the time of day, usually atleast 4 are out and about. with many more ready to swarm if needed. current colony size is 30 or so odd workers 5 queens. Have a real hard time finding feeders aside from crickets right meow. Maybe just cripple a few more and let them limp around.

#19 Offline KitsAntVa - Posted October 26 2020 - 7:57 AM


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basically yeah that's what i just did with my Pogonomyrmex, they are probably gonna grow fast with 5 queens you should get a bigger nest soon. They really favor mini hearths from THA for some reason but no other nests from him.

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#20 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted October 26 2020 - 7:58 AM


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Nice ants. Hope they do well!

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