I recently adopted a colony with 40+ workers along with a colony of Pennsylvanicus with roughly equivalent worker count from a member of this forum. They can reveal themselves if they so choose, nothing sketchy just have not asked their wishes about being included in the journal.
Both colonies came in custom 3d printed formicariums that look great, but no outworld.
I got my 2 AC TT portals attached with tubes for both water and sugar water and threw a frozen grasshopper in just to give them options as they settle down from their journey.
The abdomens were quite swollen with food when I got them but they quickly began drinking from both tubes.
The size difference from my Tetras or even my previous Lasius is awesome and also the different sizes among workers of the same colony is huge! What GIANT queens, they are great to watch.
I was able to closely witness a lot of trophallaxis which was a first for me and I enjoy it.
Both colonies seem to be filling their current nests quite well, and I have been told they can be slow growing, but I still have to think about expansion. I think getting a couple more small 3d printed nests and attaching them to the current is the best route, I have several options there.
I ordered a 2 pack of 4x4x4 inch clear plastic cubes with lids that I plan to turn into outworlds for these 2 colonies. Was $12 total and I think they should work perfectly.
I have also recently obtained a 1/2 sized refrigerator. Much newer than the old mini fridge that I planned to use to hibernate everything and has much more room. Going to move that down to
the basement shortly, hook up the thermostat and keep an eye on the temps that I can sustain as I prepare to cool the ladies down.
The Chromas were not shy. I hooked up a TT that came with outworld stragglers from the previous owner and they immediately start moving trash into it. I heard Camponotus are messy, and the Penns seem like they could be, although their nest wasn't bad, it wasn't as clean as the Chromas. After attaching the AC portal they immediately flooded it with bodies and seem to constantly have workers in it. They start poking into the grasshopper immediately, but didn't swarm it.
I enjoy their red colored middle. This is a species I had never really thought about, and had goals to obtain the others of their genus, the Penns. Seeing as they are much more active at the moment, they are giving me more to enjoy which I have.
I am excited and very thankful for the opportunity to keep these colonies, I hope I don't screw it up. I am also glad to have made the in person connection.