I am brand new to antkeeping and have captured two queens. I believe they are Lasius Neoniger and Lasius Brevicornis. I caught them last week at a park, where I saw several nests in the middle of their nuptial flights, with aletes absolutely swarming around the entrances and plant life. Obviously any of these queens would not be mated, so I waited a while and then searched again, over the next couple days. I only found the two, though both still have their wings. I know that's not really an indicator of whether or not they're fertile, but until I see eggs and larvae I will be rather doubtful.
Here they are anyway:

I have them both in test tubes, in a box, on my shelf. Not entirely sure what to do now, as I know they'll need to go into diapause in a month or so, and probably won't even lay eggs (if they're fertile) until next summer. I'm trying not to disturb them as much as possible, but so far all that's been is assuming they're dead until I open the box on Saturday and see them moving and alive, but otherwise no change. I guess that's antkeeping. Maybe I'll try offering them some sugar water in a bit.
I'm kind of upset that I became interested in the hobby so late in the year, as I'm going to have to wait *months* before I'm really able to do anything with it. If anyone has any advice on how to keep interested over the winter, I'd be happy to hear it.
Anyway, I just wanted to get a journal started for these two queens, and there may not be many updates at all until next year, but here's a record of when it all began.
See ya!