General Info: Nylanderia are small ants in the Formicinae subfamily. Over one hundred species of Nylanderia are found worldwide. There are many species present in North America, some of which are invasive. They nest in a wide range of habitats and can be very dominant at times. They overwinter their alates and generally fly on the first warm nights of spring and early summer. Some of these flights can be quite large. Black-lights are a very effective way to attract queens, but a high percentage may be unmated. I've observed males mounting queens and mating right on the black light sheet.
Some species of Nylanderia are polygynous, but they can easily found colonies singly as well.
Care: Nylanderia are very easy ants to raise, but they can be challenging to contain due to their tiny size and climbing ability. They prefer a humid nest and warm temperatures. Colonies thrive best when fed very often and accept most insects and spiders for protein. Mine love egg yolks, but show no interest in seeds. My colony has thrived in a mini-hearth with constant access to nectar in a byFormica nectar feeder.
Edited by ANTdrew, September 15 2020 - 7:05 PM.