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Is this recruitment? (Temnothorax)

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#1 Offline Ernteameise - Posted April 20 2023 - 11:47 AM


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I have been watching my Temnothorax colony.

I have seen some workers picking other workers up and carry them around, sometimes quite rough and forceful.

The other ant is still alive, this is not a transport of dead bodies.

I assume this is recruitment?

I have seen recruitment before, and I know that Formicines have a different way of carrying their sisters than Myrmecines do. But somehow, these Temnothorax do it in all kind if weird ways?

And they are not gentle with it at all.

I am confused.

I also do not know what they are doing- they are not carrying the sisters to the food- they just happened to stop on the food dish, because the carried sister resisted, shortly after, she was dragged on.

I am unsure how to interpret this.

Anyone can shed any light on this?




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