I hooked up a tetramorium colony of mine's test tube to one of dspdrews starter formicariums with some vinyl tubing (~3-4") and was delighted to see the workers almost immediately start carrying brood toward it. However, I was dismayed to see them dropping the brood in the tubing and not taking it into the nest itself. As of this morning, all of the workers had migrated into the nest and left the brood and queen behind. As of this evening I had noticed the queen migrating closer to the nest but still in the tubing with all the workers just kinda chilling in the nest. In a panic I sort of dumped the queen into the nest hoping she'd give the "get my brood for me peasants" signal to the workers, but I've had no such luck. I have yet to see a single worker venture back to the brood pile in they vinyl tubing. Should I be concerned? Should I try to dump the brood into the nest with the workers and queen?
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