Hey everyone!! I have officially received my Mission call and will be opening it tonight a 7 PM (EST, Eastern Standard Time). If you'd like to join me to find out where I go, when I go, and what language I'll be speaking, feel free to join via this Zoom link!
-A side note, you don't have to be religious or anything to join and participate, it's open to anyone as long as you are nice and considerate to everyone!
This is mission will prohibit me from catching ants, selling ants, and post anything on here... I will be taking a 2 year break from all this to go and serve people.
A mission call is very important and it determines where I go, when I leave, and what language I'll be speaking for the next 2 years!! A Missionary's purpose is to serve and teach about the gospel! I will be sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to wherever I am sent! Thank you and hope to see you join me in this big step in my life!!